Who would believe that beer would be the perfect solution to eradicating fluorescent green margaritas? Well, it is! Best to use not-so-micro brews to avoid...
One of my favorite local Mexican restaurants serves a dish with jalapeno cream cheese and shredded chicken that is to die for. I had been experimenting...
Tacos meat and fillings meet packaged crescent rolls for an easy dinner that your whole family will love. Serve with shredded lettuce, salsa, cheese, and...
Camarones, spice, and rice are the stars of the show in this Mexican-inspired dish. Serve over hot cooked rice and garnish with orange wedges, Cotija cheese,...
Simple and easy burrito dish with lots of flavor that my kiddos LOVE. If I have a busy schedule and not a lot of time to whip up a hearty meal, this recipe...
The secret is in the seasonings! I whipped these up on my own using stuff I had on hand. Shredding the chicken is the most time-consuming step, but it's...
I came up with this recipe after having fish tacos from a street vendor in Ensenada, Mexico. It is the closest to authentic I have found. Salsa can be...
A fabulously easy and delicious take on a favorite - this lasagna is full of Mexican flavors and uses layers of corn tortillas in place of noodles. Easy...
A spicy chicken dish with a tomatillo sauce, best served over rice and accompanied with beans (black, red, or pinto are probably best). To increase the...
This is my favorite Mexican pork dish that is always a hit. Can be toned down with less or no peppers and still tastes awesome. If you can find Seville...
This is a twist on a Emeril Lagasse recipe from 2005. Recipe is healthy, flavorful, and easy to prepare. My family doesn't like "hot" stuff, so this recipe...
With a large family, I love these one skillet dishes where, for at least 15 minutes, I can 'set it and forget it!' And the kids love it! Serve it for Cinco...
This is a Mexican version of the Shepherd's Pie that is so popular in the UK. I decided to try this one night when I did not have any mashed potatoes....
These are beer battered shrimp tacos that will knock your socks off! The recipe includes directions for making an avocado sauce and a Mayonnesa Secret...
This recipe can be used with chicken, beef, pork and even venison. It freezes well, and can be made into burritos, tacos, or any number of other Mexican-style...
The masa for these Mexican red tamales is made with lard and chicken broth. They are stuffed with a filling of shredded chicken and a spicy red sauce with...
This pretty drink with layers of orange juice and grenadine is delicious on a hot day. The fact that the ratio of juice to tequila is high makes it a good...
The shrimp can be marinated up to 3 hours before grilling. The amount of red pepper used can be adjusted according to how hot you like it. The marinade...
This is so simple to do and you get such impressive results! If you have four ovenproof bowls, you can bake the tortilla shells all at once. If not, let...
This is a recipe I came up with while trying to figure out what to do with stuff I had on hand. It was so good my husband asked me to publish it and share...
I learned this recipe from an amazing cook from Puebla. I've been perfecting it for over 15 years and realized that it was time to share it when my foodie...
I made this Mexican turkey casserole for my family the day after Thanksgiving. They gobbled it up. Lol. It's a great change of pace from reheating leftovers,...
A delicious New Mexican enchilada that we had every year for our Christmas Eve dinner. Serve 2 to 3 enchiladas on a plate and surround with lettuce and...
A Mexican take on classic mac & cheese! This creamy beef and noodle dish is perked up with green chiles, taco seasoning, and tomatoes. Perfect for taco...
I was looking for a recipe for a taco style pizza, but couldn't find exactly the kind I was wanting so I decide to wing it and came up with this one myself....
I worked at a Mexican restaurant that specializes in Baja dishes, and became addicted to this burrito... I moved away, so I had to create my own. The Chipotle...