Delicious, adaptable recipe that's great for using up summer's basil overload. You can use any protein here-ground pork, ground turkey, tofu, sliced beef...
A Christmas dinner tradition in my family accompanied with twice baked potatoes, rolls, green beans, fruit and great desserts! And the left overs are even...
Don't waste hours marinating flank steak before cooking it. Coating the grilled steak with a potent sauce adds just as much flavor. The recipe is from...
This is Gordon Ramsey's version of Beef Wellington....It is an amazing dish...perfect for an elegant dinner party, or perhaps a sophisticated holiday feast!...
This is the easiest and best tasting meatloaf I've ever had. My family loves it too! It's extremely versatile. To easily add variety, try varying the sauce...
Not authentic at all, but good! I cannot recall where I found this recipe but it has been a favorite over the years. It has great flavor and is fast to...
A good and easy way to use leftover roast, always a hit for a light lunch or dinner. Serve with green salad and hot rolls. Note: Other meats can be substituted,...
Easy, freezes well (raw), and can be tripled. If you sub in ground turkey, that is good too. While I was still working I would put meatloaf in oven (frozen)...
This is delicious creamy ground beef, bean and corn mixture layered between crushed tortilla chips and cheddar cheese then topped off with more cheese,...
This is one of our favorite quick and easy stir fry chicken dishes with a slight kick, lots of flavor too. It's about a medium spice.You can easily adjust...
Another of my father's recipes...My dad was a cook in the canadian military for 30 years and he always prepared tenderloins this way... I hope you enjoy...
This is a lean meatloaf recipe for those of us who can't eat onions. Adapted from a meatloaf recipe found in Cook' Illustrated Cookbook. This is a family...
Very easy to make and simmered until it melts in your mouth. The gravy is delicious and goes well with potatoes, noodles or rice. This could also be eaten...
It took me many tries before I felt I had a really good Chicken Fried Steak. This fries up extra crispy, so I pour a little gravy on the plate and place...
This is one of our favorite things to BBQ, everyone here loves sweet meat. I have experimented for years, and this is the best, lots of input from friends,...
This crock pot recipe is perfect for a family dinner with enough leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. The delicious gravy has a hint of red wine and goes perfectly...
Use spicy or mild sausages for this, I made this using small breakfast sausages with casings removed in place of the Italian sausages and added in some...
Quick cooking in the pressure cooker, but will taste like you cooked it all day. If you don't have a pressure cooker, do it stove top and cook until you...
I used pork for this recipe but you could also use chicken or turkey. It was a quick and easy recipe I found in the Canadian Living Magazine. The important...
I didn't see this one posted.. this meatloaf is AWEsome, i have made it too many times to count, do make sure you don't skip the basting process. I also...
Steak and Shake was a franchise started in the Midwest. My father would take me there on special occasions. I loved their chili! This is a chili which...
I like this meatloaf and on occaision I like it stuffed with homemade bread stuffing. You can do this, by dividing the loaf in half lengthwise, add your...
I love meatloaf, and love creating new ones to try. This is one that I created with a Mexican twist in mind... It is just wonderful, and is a WINNER for...
This came from one of my favorite cookbooks, "A Treasury of Great Recipes" by Mary and Vincent Price. The ingredients are nearly identical to other recipes...
This is an almost effortless way to cook steak. Just bake it in the oven at a moderate tempearature with a little broth. This "downtown" cut emerges from...
These tacos are one of the most popular recipes on my blog. We made these by the hundreds for large dinners when I was in grade school. I can assure you...
This is a very nice chicken salad and simple to make. Kids love it. I love to serve it in a croissant and half them, for a great sandwich tray. You can...