The ultimate comfort food you can easily create at home. My recipe uses the traditional approach to cook chicken, corn, and peas along with eggs in a hearty...
This Baked Salmon with Lemon is a deliciously quick and easy weeknight meal that's healthy and flavorful. This salmon recipe only needs 15 minutes on the...
This Zucchini Ribbon Lasagna is a healthy, protein packed, vegetarian meal that is perfect for any night of the week. It's packed so full of hearty vegetables...
Author: Sharon Lachendro - What The Fork Food Blog
Recipe video above. The perfect tuna steak is seared on the outside and deliciously rare on the inside. It takes 2 1/2 minutes flat - fastest fish recipe...
Comforting Laksa Soup Recipe - A Malaysian-style coconut curry noodle soup, that can be made with chicken or shrimp and rice noodles with fresh bean spouts,...
This hearty Salmon stew is a full-flavored stew. It's a warm, hearty, spicy, savory, delicious dish that pretty much everyone loves. You will enjoy this...
Someone used to say that life is too short to stuff a mushroom, but we disagree when it comes to these! Doesn't take too long and they make a really tasty...
Easy Japanese Ramen Noodles recipe uses store bought soup and noodles, but the toppings are homemade. With a little bit of effort to make good toppings,...
This grilled flank steak is coated in a flavorful marinade, then cooked on a grill until perfectly tender and juicy. An easy way to prepare flank steak...
Make this comforting Pressure Cooker Beef Stew in Instant Pot with juicy tender beef brisket. This ultimate comfort food is so satisfying and easy to eat....
Flavorful Spanish Chickpea Stew with Cumin scented Cauliflower Broccoli Rice. Smoky tomatoey 30 Minute Spanish Chickpea Stew can be served over rice or...
This venison parmesan recipe came to me when I needed to feed a crowd and wanted to have all the cooking done before everyone arrived. While most folks...
This chicken Alfredo bake is penne pasta tossed with cooked chicken and a creamy sauce, then topped with cheese and baked to perfection. A comfort food...
Learn how to cook Tender & Juicy Instant Pot Spare Ribs (Pressure Cooker Spare Ribs). Super easy to make flavorful, caramelized bbq pork spare ribs with...
This is the only spicy tuna recipe you will ever need! Made with simple ingredients and easy to prepare! Serve it inside sushi or hand rolls, as an appetizer...
This light batter inspired by Japanese cuisine is perfect for fish fingers, shrimp, or vegetables. With Tropical Salsa, makes the perfect filling for a...
Whole Baked Sea Bass fish marinated in a simple yet flavorful mixture of lemon, tomato, garlic, herbs, and other spices. It's simple, easy, healthy,...
This Cajun chicken is boneless chicken breasts coated in a homemade spice blend, then baked to tender and juicy perfection. A super easy dinner option...
Beef stir-fry with ginger and scallion takes only fifteen minutes to prepare. Follow the receipt below which rivals any ginger and scallions beef stir-fry...
Japanese-style Sesame Crusted Salmon is crunchy on the outside with sesame seeds that completely cover the salmon fillet. Shallow-fried salmon has a subtle...
Chicken Tortilla Casserole is an easy Tex-Mex recipe made with layers of flour tortillas and a flavorful filling of chicken, spicy tomatoes, black beans,...
This Slow Cooker erwtensoep is the Dutch version of split pea soup packed with bacon, ham, sausage and loads of veggies. It is an easy crock pot meal for...
Kholodets or Meat Aspic is a traditional Ukrainian dish that is served with spicy horseradish and beet relish. It is made with tender meat chunks and delicious...
Zucchini and Potato Soup is satisfying, smooth and creamy. Using potatoes to provide a creamy texture, this soup is vegan, nutritious and quick and easy...
This oven-roasted recipe for Baingan Bharta (Indian eggplant) is a nourishing dish of mashed eggplant, simmered stovetop in a thick tomato-pepper sauce....
I love pasta. I love anything cooked with white sauce and cheese. I also love seafood. So guess what the best combination for me is? Baked seafood pasta,...