The BEST Grilled Shrimp is the perfect weeknight meal because it is super quick, full of flavor, and so easy to make! Everyone will absolutely love and...
This Easy Broccoli Cheese Soup is a delicious and quick weeknight meal! I love this recipe because there is plenty of broccoli to go around. The sharp...
This dreamy Creamy Garlic Chicken recipe is the height of easy comfort food! Succulent pan fried chicken in a rich, garlicky sauce - welcome to garlic...
A classic kugel recipe, just the right amount of dense and rich, with a sprinkling of raisins and a slightly secret ingredient from my grandfather. Perfect...
One of my go-to soup recipes and a reader favorite! It's such a creamy, hearty, comforting soup. While the toppings (cheddar, bacon, and green onions)...
Golumpki or Gołąbki are Polish cabbage rolls that are stuffed with a mixture of beef, pork, rice, and seasoning. This recipe serves 12 and costs just...
Chinese vegetable stir fry is a quick, easy and delicious recipe. Take only 20 minutes to prepare, Best to serve with rice, noodles or just eat straight...
This easy crockpot vegetarian chili recipe tastes delicious and is easy to make with basic pantry ingredients, three beans, vegetables, and spices. Gluten...
Feijoada is Brazil's most beloved dish for a reason: it is absolutely delicious! Black beans simmer with smoked pork and beef until tender, rich and oh...
Portobello mushrooms are a great option for a vegan or vegetarian main course, because they are large enough to fill a plate, and can be stuffed with a...
I've made many a spring quiche filled with asparagus and herbs, yet I'd never thought about roasting the asparagus instead of steaming it. But lately I've...
The Best Classic Shepherd's Pie - AKA Shepards Pie or Cottage Pie. Ground Beef (or lamb) with vegetables in a rich gravy, topped with cheesy mashed potatoes...
Tuna Melt is the ultimate sandwich with a flavorful tuna fish mixture, slices of cheddar cheese, freshly sliced tomatoes all melted together in a skillet...
This Ham Casserole is loaded with cheesy, creamy rice and perfectly cooked broccoli. This easy make-ahead dinner can be prepared 2 days ahead or as a one...
Learn how to make taco salad in just 20 minutes, using common ingredients! The whole family will love this EASY, healthy taco salad recipe with ground...
This traditional German beef rouladen recipe served with potato dumplings and red cabbage is my most cherished German food from my childhood and still...
Scallops that are easy, fresh, pan seared, perfectly golden and topped with a sweet and tangy citrus ginger sauce. Watch the video above to see how quickly...
This scrumptious Chinese Lemon Chicken has an incredibly tasty and crispy coating, served with a delicious lemon sauce and is ready in just 30 minutes!...
The most amazing and authentic Indian dal recipe packed with flavor, so easy and nutritious. Make it rich and exotic restaurant style or simple and comforting...