My husband is an avid fisherman. When a family get-together was planned and we had to bring something, we created this recipe using fish from our freezer....
This is the best New England clam chowder recipe, ever! In the Pacific Northwest, we dig our own razor clams and I grind them for the chowder. Since these...
This colorful, crunchy black bean and corn salad is chock-full of easy-to-swallow nutrition that all ages will love. Try it with a variety of summer entrees,...
My first Wisconsin winter was so cold, all I wanted to eat was homemade chicken noodle soup. Of all the chicken noodle soup recipes out there, this type...
You'll be surprised at the taste of this rich and cheesy easy potato soup. It really is the best potato soup recipe, ever. I came up with it after enjoying...
Enjoy my signature French onion soup the way my granddaughter Becky does: I make onion soup for her in a crock bowl, complete with garlic croutons and...
Homemade chicken and dumplings from scratch harken back to my childhood and chilly days when we devoured those cute little balls of dough swimming in hot,...
Chuck roast makes delicious shredded beef sandwiches after simmering in a rich, homemade sauce all day. The meat is tender and juicy and takes minutes...
This hearty beef and barley soup is a favorite menu item in our house throughout the year. Everyone savors the flavor. -Elizabeth Kendall, Carolina Beach,...
A friend gave me the idea to use V8 juice in vegetable soup because it provides more flavor. My best vegetable soup recipe is perfect to prepare on a crisp...
I immigrated to the United States from western Russia in 1998. When I made friends, I found that many people had heard of Borscht, a traditional soup made...
At chili suppers, this chili con carne recipe always disappears first! It's nice at home, too, since the longer it sits in the refrigerator, the better...
At family get-togethers, our children always request this spirit-warming ground beef soup along with a fresh loaf of homemade bread and tall glasses of...
Creamy, rich and bursting with brightness, this tomato soup recipe is the ultimate sidekick to a grilled cheese sandwich. You can't beat this homemade...
This apple walnut salad delivers sweet and tangy flavor to simple salad greens with a quick apple cider vinaigrette, cranberries and Gorgonzola cheese....
Everyone raves about Caesar salad, but few realize it is so simple to make at home. Add this Caesar dressing on top of chopped romaine lettuce, croutons...
For potlucks and picnics, this ramen noodle salad is a knockout. I tote the veggies in a bowl, dressing in a jar and noodles in a bag. Then I shake them...
This chicken quesadilla recipe has an impressive look and taste with little preparation. The leftover chicken gets Mexican flair from cumin in this fun...
I am originally from North Carolina (where swine is divine) and this recipe for the slow cooker is a family favorite. My husband swears my authentic Carolina...
For many people, those days when you had a tuna salad sandwich for lunch are still some of the happiest childhood memories. Bring back those days with...
Buttery, creamy, and made oh-so fragrant with the help of thyme and chives, this potato leek soup is the perfect companion to any cold weather dinner....
These classic chicken salad sandwiches are open for interpretation. Depending on your level of prep, you can create them using either home-cooked chicken...
Here's an Asian slaw recipe without all the greasy mayonnaise. It's well-liked by the people who've tried it. A bit of sugar mellows the tangy Asian coleslaw...
Black bean soup recipes are among my favorite because they're light and it most of the time don't contain meat. For this recipe, you could add lean beef...
Not only is this old-fashioned favorite a snap to make but it's economical, too. Carrots, celery and onion accent the subtle flavor of the split peas,...
This hearty slow cooker chili can cook for up to 10 hours on low in the slow cooker. It's so good to come home to its wonderful aroma after a long day...
We first sampled this chili-like taco soup recipe at a church dinner. What a warming dish for a cold day. And because it uses packaged seasonings with...
When I have leftover ham in the fridge, I always like to make this split pea soup. Just throw the ingredients in the slow cooker, turn it on, and dinner...
This corn chowder recipe is the perfect starter, or even a meal in itself. It works in every season, so enjoy it year 'round. My family loves this potato...
During last-minute menu planning, I often include this classic ambrosia salad recipe because I keep the ingredients on hand. -Judi Bringegar, Liberty,...
This Asian salad dressing is delicious in a salad or on stir-fried vegetables. It will last, sealed in a Mason jar, in the refrigerator for about six weeks....
Mom's homemade chili recipe was the best! She knew just the right ingredients to put her 'stamp' on it. I could eat it with my eyes closed and know it...
I started cooking at a local restaurant when I was 16 years old. This creamy chowder was one of the soups we made. The recipe had been passed from cook...
This minestrone soup recipe is special to me because it's one of the few dinners my entire family loves. And I can feel good about serving it because it's...
I developed this recipe myself by substituting asparagus for broccoli in cream of broccoli soup. It's a big favorite at our house! -Westelle Griswa, Monroe,...
I've enjoyed making this rich homemade chicken dumpling soup recipe for over 40 years. Every time I serve this type of soup, I remember my southern grandma,...
I'm originally from Minnesota, where wild rice grows in abundance and is very popular in recipes. This creamy chicken and wild rice soup has been part...
This colorful traditional salad is one of my mother-in-law's favorites. It's fun to eat because of its crunchy texture, and the raisins give it a slightly...
Spreading a mixture of mayo and butter on the bread creates a delightfully crispy crust with the well-loved, wonderful flavor of butter one expects on...
My daughter-in-law, a gourmet cook, served this cream of mushroom soup recipe as the first course for a holiday dinner. She received the recipe from her...
I've lived on a farm in the Yakima Valley all my life. I have a big garden, and by the end of fall, my cellar shelves are full of canned fruits and vegetables....
This quick and easy chili recipe can be made in a flash and easily doubled or tripled to satisfy any famished family. You don't have to wait until the...
Most commercial garlic dressings don't have enough garlic taste for me, but this one always hits the spot. The thick and creamy dressing will jazz up any...
You need only five ingredients to fix this sweet and tender pork for sandwiches. Feel free to adjust the sauce ingredients to suit your family's tastes....
Here's a recipe I created as an alternative to plain potato soup. Hearty and comforting, it disappears quickly when I serve it to my family on chilly evenings....