This is hands down the easiest way to always have delicious chicken cutlets at the ready to feed your family at a moment's notice-no messy dredging or...
In Argentina, this mix of herbs and spices is combined with oil and vinegar and used as a sauce for grilled meats. For best results, use dried herb leaves-not...
Ask for "dry" scallops at your fish market; they are free of preservatives and release very little liquid while cooking, which is key to getting a good...
The deep flavors in this lush and hearty dish are too good for anyone to pass up. Vegetarians can substitute water for the chicken broth and still enjoy...
We usually encounter only one version of Brazil's signature dish in this country - the one from Bahia, rich and almost currylike with coconut milk and...
Artichokes are delicious, but they are also time-consuming to prepare. In this modern take on an Italian classic, frozen artichokes provide plenty of flavor...
The bisque is very rich, so a small serving (about two-thirds cup per person) is plenty. At the restaurant, this is baked in individual crocks, with puff...
This delicious variation on a side-dish classic is made with red potatoes and flavored with a full head of roasted garlic. This recipe is an accompaniment...