Polenta is basically cornmeal mush, and it can be made with any kind of cornmeal, ground coarse, medium or fine. (You don't need bags marked "polenta.")...
Amazing homemade Meatloaf Recipe. The meatloaf is so tender and juicy on the inside with a sweet and tangy sauce that glazes the meatloaf and adds so much...
grandma's recipe it is always gets eaten all up at most potlucks not too sweet nor too vinegary best if made 2-3 days ahead The longer it sits the better...
This is perhaps the most famous recipe created by Marcella Hazan, the cookbook author who changed how Americans cook Italian food. It also may be her easiest....
Vegetable sitr fry is a quick one-pan dish ready in under 30 minutes. Sauteed veggies in an easy sweet and savory stir fry sauce. The perfect recipe when...
From The Everyday Low-Carb Slow Cooker Cookbook by Kitty Broihier & Kimberly Mayone. "These flavors may remind you of something your grandmother used to...
I got this recipe from a friend at work about 8 years ago. It's been my husband's favorite meal ever since. He's requesting it for his special Father's...
This Pan-Seared Steak has a garlic butter that makes it taste like a steakhouse quality meal. You'll be impressed at how easy it is to make the perfect...
This dish is one recipe calling for leftover pasta that is actually worth planning for. It's portable, it's endlessly versatile, and it's practically foolproof....
Creamy Cajun Chicken Pasta is such a simple and quick recipe, perfect for weeknight dinners. Juicy chicken breast tossed with tender pasta in a creamy...
Cajun Shrimp Pasta recipe that makes for the BEST pasta dinner that is ready in under 30 minutes! Buttery cajun shrimp in a creamy cajun sauce mixed with...
Once you try this pickle relish, you will never buy store-bought again. I usually chop the veggies in my food processor. I pulse them until they are finely...
This is another family favorite. This uses bone in chicken thighs, but you can used boneless thighs if you want to. I like the flavor of the dark meat...
Toss these caramelized walnuts into your salad, over popcorn, or straight into your mouth. Crunch. Crunch. I love this easy method of making the candied...
This beet salad tastes fancy but is SO EASY to make. This is a show-stopping and flavorful salad that is impressive for entertaining or a wonderful meal...
A golden cheesy crust seals in the fluffy, moist and creamy center of this zucchini casserole. This zucchini casserole recipe is easy, irresistibly delicious...
Who doesn't love a great 30 minute meal? This shrimp and artichoke linguine recipe is so flavorful with a zesty garlic-lemon-herb sauce that will make...
This is a method of cooking a standing rib roast that never fails. Crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. The seasoning you choose is up to you....
Originally from one of the American Diabetes Association cookbooks, I made changes to make it tastier. Deliciously tangy with crunchy sweetness throughout!...
In the search for the best pulled pork recipe there were several that I found that were appealing. I combined a couple recipes and added my own flare to...
Ground Beef Stroganoff is a delicious little spin on a classic. In under 30 minutes, you will have a rich and creamy mushroom sauce that is PACKED with...
This yogurt marinade, ideal for grilled chicken, is infused with a mix of fresh and dried herbs, lemon zest and plenty of garlic. Apply it at least a couple...
These are denser than my ordinary whole wheat buttermilk pancakes. Make up a batch, freeze them in packets of three, and thaw in the microwave for a quick,...
The most delicious oven-roasted cauliflower recipe that will become your go-to side dish. Cauliflower florets drizzled in oil and butter and seasoned to...
Totally addictive appetizer! Dill pickle rounds are the center of attention when wrapped in a blanket of cream cheese spread deli meat. An interesting...
This Shrimp Fettuccine Aflredo is a major comfort food. There's just something about a mountain of pasta consumed by rich creamy sauce, and studded with...
How to make the ultimate BLT Sandwich! Everything from toasted bread, perfectly cooked bacon, thick slices of tomato and avocado, and of course our 3-ingredient...
You will love this 30-Minute Stir-Fry Recipe with Chicken and Rice Noodles. Delicious dinner made in no time! Thank you to Love from MunchkinTime.com for...
Once you try this homemade Classic Reuben Sandwich Recipe, you'll never order it at a restaurant again. Slices of rye bread with corned beef, sauerkraut,...
The dressing in this BLT salad is exceptional! This BLT salad is loaded with fresh lettuce, crispy bacon, bright tomatoes and of course croutons. An easy,...
Imagine if you will, a lasagna of sorts made in your slow cooker. Start with seared chicken thighs, mushrooms, some fresh veggies, a layer of pasta, and...
The Best Coconut shrimp coated in plenty of coconut flakes for superior crunch and subtle tropical flavor. Do not skip the the super simple (2 ingredient!)...
Tender and tasty! We had a lot of venison, were cleaning out the freezer, and decided to do something easy. This is the first time I have ever cooked in...