There's a reason clichés like Caesar salad and iceberg with blue cheese dressing have become hyper-common: they're just good. The combination of cold...
This recipe comes from a spring holiday dinner party that Mark Bittman and Sam Sifton prepared in Charleston, S.C. They used this dressing on a blend of...
The trick to any sliced cucumber salad is to slice the cucumbers as thin as you can and to purge them by salting them before making the salad so the dressing...
You can get asparagus from Peru all winter long, and early spring asparagus from Mexico and Southern California. This is not a dish to make with those....
Kale salad may someday go the way of other clichéd salads of yore - the bean salad, the chef's salad, the beet salad with goat cheese. But like all those...
This citrus salad requires only that you overcome the notion that salads must be green; it's a novel and wonderful antidote to sorry-looking lettuce. If...
This recipe calls for using past-their-prime tomatoes to make a vinaigrette by halving them across their equators, scooping out the seeds and grating the...
Whether Lyon ever was the gastronomic capital of France is debatable, but it sure has spawned some great dishes, including salade Lyonnaise, not the most...
There are real differences between skinny and fat asparagus spears, aside from appearance, and it's worth attending to them. With either, you must first...
This salad was inspired by a dish billed as Cherries and Goat Cheese on the menu at Westside Tavern in Los Angeles. Even if you're not inclined to add...
It's not an immediately obvious combination - watermelon, cucumber, olives and feta - but one bite will leave you convinced that this savory-sweet summer...
Watermelon and feta has been in vogue for some time (and forever in Greece). I decided to throw in some of my endless supply of cucumbers and mix it up...
Use a selection of sweet- and sharp-tasting herbs, such as tarragon, chervil, parsley, wild arugula and dill, for this fresh-tasting salad. Slice the mushrooms...
Sometimes salads can be comforting, especially when warm potatoes are part of the mix. This is a particularly healthy combination whose three components...
This exquisitely simple recipe from Jacques Pépin first appeared in The Times in 1991, and couldn't be easier. The zucchini is gently roasted until tender,...
Cabbages are the quintessential storage vegetable. You can cut a cabbage in quarters or thirds and use one piece at a time. The other hunks will keep,...
This is based on a recipe from Mark Peel's "New Classic Family Dinners." Slice the cucumbers and radishes as thin as you can. I use an inexpensive plastic...
This dish is a creamy and mild eggplant salad made with a quick dressing of yogurt and seasonings. You can grill the eggplant half an hour before you serve...
This salad is inspired by one that Los Angeles-based chef Mark Peel serves at his wonderful restaurant, Campanile. Green tomatoes go well with Russian...
A basic vinaigrette deserves a permanent spot in every cook's repertoire. Ready in minutes and fine to keep in the fridge for weeks, it can totally change...
In 2007, if you were looking for a sign of the culinary times, you could do no better than the one prominently displayed in San Francisco, in my local...
While summer is still with us, you can serve any vegetable-laden dishes you've been enjoying all season alongside your meat. Or for something different,...