This dish is named for Gaston Lenotre's hunting lodge, Les Bastes, in Sennely, France. Though the recipe is long and appears complicated, much of the work...
This is an easy dish, put together in minutes and abandon for an hour on a low flame. If you do it in the morning, it will be ready for lunch. But it can...
This slow-cooked casserole of white beans and several kinds of meat has long been considered the pinnacle of regional French home cooking. It takes planning...
This recipe comes from 1998, when Gordon Ramsay was not a known television personality but rather a chef and owner at Aubergine in London. In this dish,...
The mixture of juicy watermelon and luscious pork fat make the effort of this project recipe well worth it. The recipe requires making a kind of quick...
Jean-Georges Vongerichten, the chef and an owner of Jo Jo, discovered this pairing one night when he tried a stuffing for poussin with the fish and buttermilk....
Barbecue beef tongue, a bold, richly succulent dish that suited the unseasonal weather. The recipe is somewhat surprising. I expected the tongue to be...
Matt Lee and Ted Lee snatched this recipe for chili crab from chef Zakary Pelaccio before the first Fatty Crab opened in New York. There are now locations...
Arroz gordo, or fat rice from Macau, is reminiscent of paella, which is no surprise considering that Macau was a colony of Portugal, a country that shares...
In this French dish, the meat of the lobster is cooked in a creamy mustard sauce then returned to its shell for baking. This recipe is adapted from the...