This dish, known as galbi, is a fine thing to eat in a restaurant, but it also makes for a wonderful and easy meal at home. If you buy English-style short...
Most recipes for miso-glazed fish are for salmon, because fatty fish are well suited for this preparation and salmon is particularly delicious. Nobu Matsuhisa...
Polenta is such a natural base for so many savory foods - more flavorful than either pasta or mashed potatoes, but somehow just as forgiving - that it's...
As the owner of the French Laundry, Per Se and Bouchon, restaurateur Thomas Keller is best known for haute cuisine, but he can do weeknight cooking, too....
Here, standard weeknight chicken breasts are transformed into a dish that's fragrant and spicy. It's very easy to prepare: just make a quick stew of butter,...
Use bagged, presliced mushrooms and baby spinach for this and it will come together very quickly. The frittata is great for dinner, breakfast, brunch or...
This dish is derived from a Marcella Hazan recipe. It's dead simple, and the cauliflower can be precooked a day ahead or so. Or, the whole thing can be...
With an ingredient list just four items long (chicken, olive oil, salt, pepper), the genius of this bare-bones roast chicken is in its technique. To make...
This satisfying vegetarian dish is adapted from a recipe belonging to Julie Sahni, the popular Indian chef, cookbook author and teacher. Its preparation...
Wild salmon, green beans, new potatoes and herbs: simple seasonal ingredients for an epic summer dining experience. The most important thing here is not...
From the chef Jonathan Waxman comes this simple, casually elegant dish, ideal for guests but not too fancy for family dinners. Bass fillet (one large piece,...
A '90s-restaurant-style dish that came to The Times from Matthew Kenney, a chef whose career soared in that decade, these pork chops make for a dinner...
The topping for this couscous isn't too much more complicated than making a tomato sauce with blanched kale and chickpeas added. Reconstitute the couscous,...
If your experience with saffron is that it fades into the background, you have not been cooking with real saffron. There is no easier way to remedy this...
This Mexican recipe came to The Times in 2002 by way of Amanda Hesser. It is a simply prepared casserole of shredded chicken rolled in corn tortillas underneath...
Coconut milk brings distinctive flavor and creamy heft to these rice noodles, which are stir-fried with pork or chicken, bell pepper and eggplant. Be generous...
This dish is an adaptation of one brought to The Times by Fuschia Dunlop, the British journalist who's also an accomplished cook of Chinese cuisine. It...
This homespun, bacon-wrapped version of the American classic is attributed to Bill Blass, the world-famous clothing designer of the 60s, 70s and 80s, who...
The name of this recipe may seem laughable. Isn't confit meant to be an arduous, messy, not-really-easy thing to make at home? Doesn't it involve large...
This delightful recipe is adapted from one in Frank Castronovo and Frank Falcinelli's "The Frankies Spuntino Kitchen Companion and Cooking Manual," written...
These peppers have some heft and give a satisfying main-course feeling. Here, extra-small bell peppers are stuffed with a mild feta cheese and baked with...
The nuoc mam brings out the saline character of the shrimp and seems to heighten the sweetness of the eggplant, while the garlic adds its sharp bite, and...