This glaze is fresh and delicious. It uses real orange juice, not the stuff out of the container. It adds a real nice kick to angel food cake or any kind...
Because I'm our town's postmaster, I can bake only in my spare time. When I do, I especially like this sour cream pound cake recipe. This one tastes great...
For our daughter's wedding, a friend made this lovely, angel food cake from a recipe she's used for decades. It really is one of the best angel food cake...
Date recipes are some of my favorite desserts to cook up. These date treats are very easy to bake, and one sheet of them will yield 48 good-sized bars....
My family LOVES bread pudding, and this recipe is one that I have fine tuned to their taste. I have to double this recipe, and bake it in a 9x13 inch pan...
This is the one and only lemon meringue pie recipe you'll ever need. The flaky and tender from-scratch crust is worth the effort. -Lee Bremson, Kansas...
Peanut butter cornflake bars were one of my favorite treats when I was a little girl. If you like chocolate, I have a friend who spreads 1 cup of melted...
This is an easy to make but wonderfully delicious treat. We pack them in tins and give as gifts during the holidays. Use your favorite nuts to top the...
This pudding turns out in a lovely custard texture. A great balm for those seeking a return to some of the old-fashioned foods of their youth! We like...
This is hands-down my all-time favorite cake! I fell in love making it after my grandmother shared the recipe with me. This cake is super quick, easy,...
I grew up helping my mom make a lot in our farmhouse kitchen; strawberry shortcakes, roasts, soups and pies. This sunny strawberry shortcake recipe brings...
This recipe used to be found on the back of a well known brand of marshmallow cream. Many were surprised when it was changed. This is the original! You...
Scottish settlers first came to this area over 150 years ago. My mother herself was Scottish, and-as with most of my favorite recipes-she passed this shortbread...
Short of serving store-bought ice cream, you won't find a simpler, more delicious dessert than this fruit cobbler. Use any juicy summer fruit: peaches,...
A soft teacake that is best when one to two days old. You can change flavors by substituting almond or lemon extract for the vanilla. Add a few drop of...
I used a food processor for this tender, flaky pastry dough as it makes it so much easier to achieve the gorgeous 'breadcrumb' texture as you add the ice...
To me, this is the purest and most intensely flavored apple pie recipe there is. The interesting thing about this recipe is the way the caramel sauce is...
The perfect fluffy frosting for brownies or chocolate cake. Sweet but not too sweet. Peanut buttery but not greasy. So wonderful and it won't over power...
This moist applesauce cake recipe is a treasured heirloom passed down from my Grandma Stuit, who cooked for a family of 13 during the Depression. At reunions,...
Galettes are rustic little free-form pies. They can be easily and quickly assembled and then you can eat them warm out of the oven! Simple, humble, and...
Everybody wants this recipe when I take them in for a carry-in. To make them award winning, my daughter, Tegan, made them for a cookie baking contest and...
When I visited my grandmother in summer, I always looked forward to the comforting banana bread pudding she'd make. With its crusty golden top, custard-like...
I needed to make a dessert last minute for a party and went through my cupboards and found instant lemon pudding mix so I came up with this recipe. It...