Although its style varies from diner to diner, lemon layer cake is a regular item on the lunch counter. This version is full of pure lemon flavor: moist...
The way you measure your flour is key in this iconic cookie recipe. In Food Network Kitchens, we spoon flour into the measuring cup and level it off with...
My grandmother used this recipe every summer when the peaches were ripe. She got the recipe from her church cookbook. You can use any almost any kind of...
While it takes slightly longer to prepare this recipe than a box mix, the resulting moist, delicious cake makes it VERY worth the little extra time. I...
One of my husband's favourite desserts. This time of year (fall) the fruit is so wonderful! Top it with coffee cream (half-and-half). originally from "Smart...
This is all about strawberries with raspberries as a backup singer. I love them both but raspberries can make a strawberry come to life. The tang of the...
Using only 6 ingredients, this perfect angel food cake bakes up tall, light, and airy. For best results, read the recipe in full before beginning and have...
A perfectly delicious, flaky homemade pie crust isn't out of reach. In fact, you don't even need a food processor to make this version by the Elsen sisters,...
For all those cornbread lovers who want a cross between cornbread and cake, this is it -- a tender, sweet cornbread that is lovely and versatile. Enjoy...
We wanted a super peanut buttery treat but found that store-bought peanut butter made the cookies a bit gummy when we used more than 1 cup. So we ground...
These sweet little treats are so easy to make and take just 15 minutes to put together. The graham cracker crumbs and sweetened condensed milk magically...
Apple tart is my family's favorite dessert. I love it because it makes the house smell amazing and the tart looks so polished and beautiful (taking a few...