We took our favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe and increased the brown sugar to make these cookies extra moist and chewy. Then we super-sized them --...
These Tuscan cookies are a Christmas classic. They're nutty, lacy and crisp, as well as deceptively simple to make. Drizzling them with chocolate turns...
This is the recipe for the original rice krispies treats squares...It never fails! Plus, it is a great way to use up a box of cereal! For best results,...
Why pay top dollar for chocolate-covered strawberries when you can easily make them at home -- super fresh and at a fraction of the cost? For the best...
Don't be put off by the number of steps needed to make this impressive-looking dessert. None of the steps themselves are hard, and once it's assembled,...
The extra-rich taste of our cream scones comes from using milk powder in addition to the standard ingredients butter and cream. A light touch when combining...
This recipe is by far the best Pineapple Upside Down cake that I've ever made. It is also quick and easy. The cake is very moist and rises much higher...
This is one of those cakes that, well, the longer it sets, the better it gets. Oh, don't get me wrong, it is just as delicious warm and fresh out of the...
This is a classic cheesecake -- velvety, rich, sweet and so satisfying. We are major fans of a thin sour cream cap on top of cheesecakes; it's the perfect...
If these chocolate cake mix cookies look absolutely delicious, it's because they are! With a little helping hand from Betty Crockerâ„¢ cake mixes, you...
This recipe is for one big tart or four little tarts. The shells of individual tarts will bake a little faster, so watch them carefully as they bake. Also,...
This is a tall, moist carrot cake, light in texture and lightly spiced with cinnamon and touch of nutmeg. Heavy cream whipped into the cream cheese frosting...
My sister got this buttercream frosting off the box of a Sprinkles Cupcake mix, made famous by Oprah. My sister said this was amazing. Update: I have finally...
This cobbler is so very simple, and so very delicious. I am writing this recipe with peaches, however you can use any variety of canned fruit. Hope you...
A traditional autumn dessert that's delicious served with vanilla ice cream. I've often made this recipe "diabetic-friendly" without sacrificing taste...
Carrot Cake is one of those classic recipes that works so well for any celebration. The bright orange color offset by creamy white frosting makes Carrot...
This Bacardi rum cake is lovely and moist. I usually make it around New Years, makes a nice looking dessert for a buffet and the taste is rich and wonderful....