The fresh, natural flavors you get from making your own strawberry puree is worth the time. This cake and its frosting also gets its rosy hue from fresh...
There are several ways to make this sweet, caramel spread. Some traditionalists favor boiling an unopened can of sweetened condensed milk on the stovetop....
Peanut butter and chocolate are a perfect pairing--and these sweet and salty peanut butter balls covered in bittersweet chocolate are sure to satisfy your...
My grandmother taught me how to make this cake. This is the most moist chocolate cake I have ever tasted. It was my dad's favorite and now it is my husband's...
Our version of this St. Louis classic is flavored with vanilla bean paste and nutmeg and comes together in just a few minutes. It definitely lives up to...
This chocolate cake is absolutely thee best we have ever had. It is so moist and rich, I never make anything else (unless I am short on time :) The frosting...
We wanted a rich and creamy custard that wasn't too sweet, so we could fully enjoy the signature crunchy layer of caramelized sugar on top. By only using...
Less is more when it comes to ingredients! This easy peach cobbler recipe is a simplified way to create an American favorite with fresh fruit and a decadent...
We love this recipe because it will stay chewy in the cookie jar for 7 days..if they last that long...everyone who tries them raves. If you like a big...
This Southern Bread Pudding is luscious. Be sure to serve the bourbon sauce while it is slightly warm. Quite often, this is our family's choice of holiday...