At any point during the 1980s, you could've opened the middle pantry drawer in our kitchen and discovered a treasure trove of baked goods from our supermarket's...
Coeur à la crème (cream heart) is a classic French dessert traditionally served with strawberries. This is adapted from a recipe in "Valentine Dinner...
My mom made the best pineapple upside down cake and unfortunately no one in the family has the recipe. I found this recipe on the internet somewhere, and...
Moist and super yummy Raisin Muffins. I made them from a basic muffin recipe then adding some ingredients of my own and tweaking the cooking time. Very...
Their recipe uses the Moist White Cake mix so it is easy to put together. Comments on their site said that the 1 tablespoon of almond extract called for...
A smooth glaze sheathes discs of devil's food cake and coffee-flavored ganache. The chocolate espresso fudge sauce echoes the coffee flavor in the ganache,...
This is a favorite of my family's (especially my 16 year old--the only frosting she will ever make). It is in response to a request on the boards. If you...
While this is certainly one of our prettiest poke cakes, don't let its impressive looks intimidate you. This sensational strawberry poke cake only takes...
I got this recipe from one of my meetings. The recipe sounds crazy but it is very moist and sooo easy! You can try this with any cake mix and any kind...
I was looking through all the wonderful Oatmeal Butterscotch recipes here on 'Zaar and was surprised that there was not this basic recipe which DH was...
I love these cookies! They are slightly crisp on the outside and so soft and tender on the inside. These are my dad's favorite cookies- I made them for...
This adaptation of Alice Waters's lemon meringue pie came to the Times in a 1987 article in the Sunday magazine. It takes a little time, but your efforts...
These are my favorite doughnuts ever. I've had an emotional attachment to them since I was living and working in Washington, D.C. I was super poor and...
This recipe courtesy of Gale Gand. It is a recipe for the most delicious Crispy Oatmeal Cookies. These thin crispy cookies just melt in your mouth. This...
Banana bread and cream cheese frosting are a winning combination. The cream cheese filling is swirled into the batter just before baking for easy assembly....
I love the flavor of toasted oats...and combined with juicy peaches and cinnamon in a warm crisp, it's the ultimate comfort food. I have also made this...
After first trying this years ago my 2nd son declared -who needs banana bread?! - and this became our favorite choice for doing away with overripe bananas....
These light and flaky pastries, popular among American and European Jews, are adapted from a recipe by Dorie Greenspan, the prolific cookbook author and...
A classic and easy Tres Leches Cake goes far beyond your average cake recipe. Moist, flavorful and deeply rich, our Tres Leches Cake with Betty Crocker™...
There are many variations of flan, but you really only need this simple recipe calling for 15 minutes of prep and 6 ingredients to turn out a melt-in-your-mouth...