This is such an easy rhubarb fool to make. It only takes 5 minutes to get the fruit stewed and your puff pastry done, and a couple more to put the whole...
Recipes for this dessert, also known as chocolate upside-down cake and hot fudge pudding cake, turn up in cookbooks published by women's clubs and church...
"These are the very best chocolate chip cookies you will ever make. They make spectacular ice cream sandwiches especially with coffee ice cream". From...
Just as South and Central American countries have their fried plantains, the Vietnamese have fried bananas, usually sold on the streets by women in front...
This seems to be the world's best recipe for lemon cake. I made it for an office party and everybody asked me for the recipe. It comes out moist and delicious!...
My mom loved white chocolate and apricots, so when she passed, I decided to develop a recipe for the holidays that reminded me of her. It is one of those...
If you're looking for an easy, crowd-pleasing dessert, then you've found it! My mom's Goodie Bars have just about everything but the kitchen sink in them-a...
A classic pumpkin cheesecake should be creamy, perfectly spiced and totally smooth on top. While baking a cheesecake in a water bath may seem like a pesky...
Bittersweet dark chocolate and sweet salted caramel are truly a match made in dessert heaven. Try serving this chocolatey tart with a dollop of freshly...
Yummy and easy. Use in the center of cakes, jelly rolls or other desserts. It is deliberately on the runny side as I like my fillings to soak into the...
This is a recipe from Paula Deen that appeared on when I was searching for a chocolate cake. I loved the idea of a chocolate cake with...