This came from my sister's mother-in-law many, many years ago and has been handed down over the years. It's not only a great dessert, it also makes a wonderful...
An extremely moist cake that I guarantee will become your absolute favorite zucchini cake! I got this recipe many years ago from a local hometown newspaper...
It is so easy, it's illegal. ONLY 7 ingredients. ONLY 2 apples! If you want a lovely pictorial lesson in preparing these evil treats, then leave right...
All it takes is five ingredients and 15 minutes of prep to pull of this apple-cinnamon cake. Just reach for your 13x9 pan, a box of Betty's spice cake...
I got the main recipe for this Tiramisu from the Sopranos Family Cookbook. I changed the Liquor to Frangelico and altered some of the measurements and...
This rice pudding has some of my favorite Indian flavors, like cardamom, coconut milk and mango. I like using basmati rice for my rice pudding because...
These comments are from their cookbook: "At Magnolia we decided to make our cake not quite a traditional yellow cake or a traditional sponge cake, given...
Duff Goldman knows better than anyone that kids can do incredible things in the kitchen. In eight seasons judging and hosting Kids Baking Championship,...
Magically making its own fudge sauce this cake will become one of your favorite last-minute desserts. Serve it with ice cream for an extra special treat....
This is my favorite homemade chocolate cake recipe. With a super moist crumb and fudgy, yet light texture, this chocolate cake recipe will be your favorite...
For me, the combination of chocolate and citrus during the holidays is a given. I packed that combo into these decadent biscotti that are perfect for dipping...
3 ingredients, microwavable, GOOD! I found this recipe somewhere, but I go to SO many recipe sites, I can't remember where. This is a VERY easy, VERY good,...
We know what you're thinking; cinnamon, chocolate and... cayenne in a cookie!? Yup! Our Spiced Mexican Chocolate Cookies are a decadent, dark chocolate...
Three simple ingredients are all you need to make homemade fro-yo pops. And that's not even the best part! Wait until you get a taste of the flavor from...
You might think that a pastry chef would never recommend buying pie crusts but hey, its much better to make a pie with a pre-made crust than not to make...
In a bid to add to my seemingly-naughty-but-actually-very-healthy recipe collection, I invented these ridiculously healthy banana oatmeal cookies! They...
I have NEVER tasted a poundcake as light and delicious as this one. This recipe is from a lady in a rural town in Alabama. She is the best cook! You will...
The is the moistest and richest homemade chocolate cake recipe I have ever tried! I used this recipe when I baked my own wedding cake. Since my wedding,...
This was a recipe my mom would make when we were young. I think she originally got it from the back of the cornstarch box. To make this chocolate pudding,...
Here's a delicious twist on a vanilla cake Jennifer found in a vintage cookbook from 1954. The secret flavor is a hint of ginger. The frosting is a seven-minute...
This is a delicious dessert! It is almost like a mousse. It requires minimal ingredients. Not very good for the weight conscious :) It makes a decent amount...