This is a classic Polish cookie that my mom and Bushia used to make at Christmas time. I've found that this is a really hard dough to work with, but it...
A rich silky vanilla custard sauce to serve with poached fruits, cakes and puddings, creme anglaise is very easy to make. But remember, once the egg yolks...
I am amazed at how many different types of bread pudding there are. This one is wonderful. Prep time includes soaking the bread. This recipe is from Woods...
This perfect coconut cake sets the bar for homemade cakes everywhere. It's supremely moist with a soft fluffy crumb and intense coconut flavor. For success,...
Shortbread cookies are a must to make for the holidays, and these pecan-filled, buttery biscuits are simply irresistible. Be sure to use real butter, not...
If you have kids, it's a safe bet that they love s'mores--my kids certainly do. When we're at our beach house, they constantly beg me to make them. These...
It's relatively easy to sneak some calorie-reducing ingredients - like applesauce, Greek yogurt and egg whites - into a gooey chocolate cake. I dare anyone...
Although these aren't exactly the recipe we used at Cookies By Design (it would be wrong for me to give that out), it's very close and they taste exactly...
This white layer cake with gooey peppermint-flavored frosting and crushed candy canes is a project but so worth it. Try it for the holidays for an extra...
Truly addictive dessert with the best flavor. My mother got the recipe about 20 years ago from another woman at a potluck picnic. She actually carried...