We love using a variety of apples in our pie; it adds both flavor and texture and makes every bite a little different. Vodka in the pie crust makes the...
Bookmark this recipe as your new go-to option for delicious, soft, and chewy chocolate chip cookies made from scratch. This simple recipe produces an extra-large...
Celebrate with Ina Garten's snow-white Coconut Cake recipe from Barefoot Contessa on Food Network. The cream cheese frosting is sprinkled with shredded...
Can something be impossibly light while also being incredibly rich and decadent? Apparently so. This coconut cake is majestic in its height and a beauty-a...
Fruitcakes have become the punchline of many a holiday joke, but this recipe will give the notorious seasonal gift a whole new reputation. Filled with...
What could be better than a recipe for oatmeal cookies? An oatmeal cookie recipe that includes chocolate chips, of course. This clever twist on the classic...
We took our classic chocolate chip cookie and made one little change: baking it at 300 degrees F instead of 375. The result is a cookie that's flat and...
The best chocolate mousse must be perfect. It should taste rich, indulgent and not too sweet, with a texture that is both light-and-airy and silky-and-smooth....
Wow your friends and family with this classic pineapple upside-down cake. With tasting notes that boast fruity, gooey, caramelly goodness, it's no wonder...
This is my very favorite gingerbread cookie recipe. The dough is so firm and nice to work with and is so wonderful smelling that it is almost like a stress...
These cookies are inspired by the thin and crispy style made popular by the Long Island bakery Tate's Bake Shop. In our version, we've upped the brown...
I don't know where my mother got this recipe but it produces the best biscotti I have ever had- and I am Italian so I have eaten A LOT of biscotti. Also,...
I found this peach cobbler recipe on the internet from the Salt Lick Restaurant in Austin, TX. Everyone loves this recipe so much I have to make a double...
This chocolatey classic is all about the coconut filling. We like ours with a cooked custard so it is extra rich and creamy. Made with cocoa powder and...
For the perfect winner to fill up your cookie jar, bake these got-it-all oatmeal cookies loaded with raisins and nuts. While there is no shortage of oatmeal...
The only chocolate cupcake recipe you'll ever need. We love these for the deep rich chocolate flavor and their moist and springy interiors. It's the perfect...
Our classic carrot cake is nicely spiced with cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg and has toasted pecans both in the cake and on top. Plumped golden raisins and...
We've created the cheesecake of your dreams - rich, dense and creamy with a buttery, not-too-sweet graham cracker crust. Easy-to-follow instructions ensure...
Making scratch-made apple crisp is easier than you think with this easy recipe. Chunks of apple get tossed with cinnamon, sugar and a little flour to help...
I love a cup of seriously strong coffee and a cannoli from an Italian bakery on Bleeker Street in Manhattan. When I am making these at home, I am holding...