One of Paula Deen's most popular recipes. Not Yo Mama's Banana pudding recipe calls for bananas, french vanilla instant pudding, sweetened condensed milk,...
For a BBQ, potluck or picnic, you can't beat Paula Deen's Baked Bean recipe. This classic side that starts with a bacon. Brown sugar and green chilies...
If you love a crunchy, flavorful salad, this is the perfect recipe. This easy salad uses ramen noodles, bok choy and sesame seeds for big crunch. Toss...
Georgia-style brunswick stew is made with chicken, onion, crushed tomatoes and creamed corn. Liquid smoke and Paula Deen Hot Sauce give this easy stew...
No barbecue, picnic, or summer party would be complete without a classic three-bean salad. This easy recipe adds edamame for a healthy, protein-packed...
This kid-friendly personal strawberry shortcake dessert recipe from Paula Deen is perfect for picnics and cookouts. Ingredients include fresh strawberries,...
A real crowd pleaser! These savory meatball style ground pork kebabs pack a lot of flavor! Ready to eat in about 30 minutes. Easy to make, kid friendly!...
Recipe from #86022 . You would be surprised how good these are. They are a real delicasy in the Kitchener area. When visiting be sure...
Native Americans have had Bannock cooking over a campfire for many many years. It's now becoming popular with campers.Prepare a favorite bannock recipe,...
This famous "Firehouse Chowder" was a huge fund raising recipe used by Buffalo area fire departments. Although this is one of my all time favorite dishes,...
The search for the perfect homemade fried chicken is over! You'll need self-rising flour, eggs, black pepper and a whole chicken, cut into pieces. Perfect...
Georgia-style brunswick stew is made with chicken, onion, crushed tomatoes and creamed corn. Liquid smoke and Paula Deen Hot Sauce give this easy stew...
This recipe is courtesy of posted by Dr. NickSpiedies are a summertime staple for those of us in the Southern Tier of NY! (They are kind of like...
I love a good coleslaw, especially in the summer. I haven't found one the rest of my family really enjoys. That is until this one. Everyone loved it and...