Traditional Ukrainian Pastry Cookies called Scuffles aka Cinnamon Twists: a great addition to our Christmas morning brunch! Easy to make; delicious to...
Chewy oatmeal cookie recipe with diced dried apricot, toasted almonds and coconut. Fruity tropical cookie that is a nice change from raisin or chocolate...
Italian Fig Cookies, Cucidati, Sicilian Fig Cookies, or Christmas Fig Cookies are a few of the names you might find for this deliciously moist, tender...
Learn how to make these Dutch Buttery Sand Cookies with Cinnamon & Almond named "Jan Hagel." These cookies date back to the 17th century, and are still...
A sweet and simple recipe for tender, buttery shortbread cookies. A quick and easy recipe that can be made in under an hour. Drizzle with chocolate if...
These soft, chewy cookies are for lemon lovers only! They're made with a triple punch of lemon: lemon juice, zest, and extract. Perfect for when you...
A Meyer lemon is a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange. If you can't find any, substitute regular lemons. This pie's decadent cream filling is...
Ultra chewy coconut oatmeal cookies with puddles of dark chocolate chunks and flakes of sweet coconut. Dairy free and made with coconut oil instead of...