My neighbor made this dish at a barbecue and I had to have the recipe. It is so easy and you will be surprised what a wonderful flavor the peaches give...
Spruce up chicken breast with this simple recipe. By stuffing chicken with cheese and garlic, then wrapping it in bacon, you get lovely, moist meat. You...
This comfort-food recipe combines chicken thighs, plump dumplings, and plenty of vegetables for a meal that's warm and filling. Everything is ready in...
I'm not going to say this chicken Kiev is 'easy to make.' It's really not. So, why try? Because, if and when you pull this off, you'll be enjoying one...
This only takes about 25 minutes to make. Very easy and fabulous flavor! This is very popular in Thailand. They sell this on the streets as well as in...
This dish is brimming with lots of spinach, onion and feta. Serve it up with steamed rice for a complete meal. Or try it over a bed of mixed greens. Found...
Rushed? Need an elegant main dish to serve for an important occasion, that doesn't take a lot of preparation or time? This is it. This dish is not only...
I decided to not follow any specific recipe from any particular country or culture, but instead I made a simple composite of every peanut curry I've ever...
This is the crispiest, spiciest, homemade fried chicken I have ever tasted! It is equally good served hot or cold and has been a picnic favorite in my...
This cheesy broccoli chicken is the perfect comfort food on a cold day. By buying thin-sliced chicken cutlets, you save yourself the work of slicing them...
Chicken, asparagus, and mushrooms are sauteed in a garlic and olive oil base. You can add more mushrooms if desired. Serve with rice or pasta, and a glass...
Stir fries require very little cooking time and you can pretty much use any vegetables you like, but the star of this one is the ginger. This dish is quick...
Why go out for Chinese food when it is this easy? Serve with rice or Asian noodles. To slice the chicken thin, freeze for 20 minutes or so first or if...
This chicken and broccoli casserole is my 13-year-old son's favorite dish and the one he requests for every one of his birthdays. It is very good and combines...
Easy, moist, flavorful and aromatic -- the white wine, artichokes and mushrooms make this chicken dish the to way to any man's heart! Delicious served...
This simple, sensational marinade and sauce for grilled chicken features lemon, garlic, rosemary, and butter. Separate the marinade into thirds: 1/3 for...
Thai Chicken Coconut Curry - An EASY one-skillet curry that's ready in 20 minutes and is layered with so many fabulous flavors!! Low-cal, low-carb, and...
Chicken breasts are sauteed to a golden brown then topped with a rich, savory Gorgonzola sauce. Serve with steamed green beans and fresh crusty bread if...
This is the best chicken tortilla soup I have ever eaten. I've tried countless versions and this is by far what chicken tortilla soup should be. I experimented...
This easy, quick, and light dish has exceptional flavor. The rosemary plays perfectly with strong garlic flavor and a hint of lemon for bright fresh flavor....
This simple to prepare recipe was submitted to Cooking Light many years ago by a subscriber. It has a very tasty sauce, and the chicken is wonderfully...
A delicious, fast, and easy recipe for any week night dinner. The chicken comes out flavorful with a sweet and tangy glaze. Serve with rice and steamed...
Slow-grilling over indirect heat keeps this chicken moist and tender. Giving the drumsticks a long rub with seasonings makes them taste great. Always baste...
In a world where chipotle is almost a supermarket staple, it's fair to say that authentic Mexican food has gone mainstream. And we couldn't be happier:...