This delicious arroz-con-pollo-esque dish is so easy to make with the Instant Pot®! Colorful, appetizing, and nourishing, this meal comes together in...
This horseradish chicken with sage and Parmesan butternut squash, and garlic zucchini is on your table for dinner in less than 1 hour. 3 different flavors,...
We love roasting chicken in our Lodge® cast iron pans, but were looking to spice it up a bit and came up with this dish--it's very easy. It was definitely...
Bacon-wrapped drumsticks and thighs with baby Dutch yellow potatoes, roasted with onions and herbs, a very delicious and simple dinner. We love dark meat,...
Boneless, skinless chicken thighs are simply coated in za'atar and olive oil, then baked to perfection. The chicken gets a simple treatment because the...
An easy one-pot keto dinner with chicken thighs and a creamy ranch cheese sauce with bacon and spinach. Serve over cauliflower rice or mash, topped with...
Baked garlic and lime chicken topped with a fresh plum tomato salsa. This would be great with your favorite rice or even a side of black beans. Top with...
This is a family favorite and easy to prepare in the slow cooker. The chicken has a bite to it but one can control the heat by limiting the amount of hot...
Delicious and quick, with ingredients usually on hand. Very savory, and a good way to extend a recipe for a family. My husband absolutely loved this! He...
A simple spice blend gives tons of flavor to the crispy skin and moist, juicy thigh meat. This is in the oven in just minutes for a delicious (and budget-friendly!)...
The chicken is brushed with a lemon and mustard sauce, rolled in bread crumbs, and baked. Serve on a warm platter with sliced lemons and limes and chopped...
A slow cooker chicken recipe with lots of different vegetables. Don't worry about the amount of vegetables, those will cook down noticeably. Serve this...
I got this recipe from a co-worker. This has to be one of the easiest recipes ever. Chicken is roasted in a flavorful orange sauce. It is great with chicken...
My go-to weekend dinner recipe. Chicken packed with citrus flavor plus potatoes. The first half of the process can be done in an Instant Pot®, and the...
This is an extremely simple and quick recipe which produces marvelous results! Garlic is mashed and placed into the rice cooker with some chicken for flavour....
I'm going to show you how to make this incredibly simple and highly effective grilled chicken marinade. It's so perfect and juicy and flavorful. It's an...
This is actually a very easy and fast dish. I 'came across' this a few years back by just experimenting. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! It is great...
Tender and juicy grilled chicken thighs with a perfect balance of sweet and tart. The carrots and cabbage are optional but it's a great way to utilize...
I have experimented with so many marinades for chicken using my neighbors as guinea pigs and this one has been branded by all as simply delectable, thus...
My ultimate favorite one-pan dinner in the fall for 2! Chicken thighs, carrots, onions, turnips, and potatoes caramelize and roast to perfection in no...
Chicken thighs roasted with figs and lemon slices in a lemon, vinegar and brown sugar glaze. Easy, delicious and if you don't feel the sauce is enough...
These little bundles are packed with flavor. You'll definitely want to serve this with a nice crusty bread so you can clean your plate of all of that delicious...
Arugula was on sale and I wanted to find new ways to use it. This became a quick favorite. I've found that there's no need to preheat the oven; a little...
This Chinese dish has taken a new dimension - it's made with coconut milk! Chicken is simmered with taro, shallots, ginger, and coconut milk. It's delicious...
This lemony garlic chicken thigh recipe is true comfort food. The seasonings I use are from the Savory Spice Shop. There really is not a substitute for...
This is a favorite of mine, my friend introduced us to it. It's really simple, very few ingredients, and tastes amazing! So easy, low prep time, and great...
A one-dish Mexican classic, combining fajita-seasoned chicken, 3 squashes including calabaza, onion, tomato, corn, and seasonings. Best of all, it's fast,...
For a winning weeknight chicken dinner, a briny piccata sauce made with lemon juice, capers, and butter is a perfect match for boneless, skinless chicken...