I received this recipe from a friend of mine and have used this for years. My family requests this one often. It's a light meal that everyone will enjoy....
This Chinese fried rice has the flavor those other recipes are missing. Tastes like takeout. I want to dedicate this dish to Bergy, whose recipe "AM &...
My reverse-engineered recipe for replicating KFC's 'Original Recipe' chicken at home. Yields 8-10 pieces whole fried chicken, or up to 16 drumsticks. For...
The almost universal appeal of roasted chicken stems from its power to comfort. The ideal roasted chicken recipe will leave your chicken golden brown and...
I don't have the energy or courage to cater for a living but, if I did, this Greek lemon chicken and potatoes would be one of my go-to entrees, and not...
I experimented for many years before developing this recipe. It's bits and pieces of hints I had heard over the years. I have had many compliments on this...
A simple spice blend gives tons of flavor to the crispy skin and moist, juicy thigh meat. This is in the oven in just minutes for a delicious (and budget-friendly!)...
An easy weeknight dinner, this quick chicken stir-fry with pineapple is as delicious as it is colorful! Serve with rice for a complete meal, or fried rice...
I love the tangy tenderization that the buttermilk provides. After the buttermilk soak, dredge the chicken pieces in seasoned flour, and fry them in hot...
This is a delicious twist to broccoli, rice, and cheese casserole, and is VERY easy to make. You can also cut this in half. I use the 1 can cream of mushroom...
This is the best chicken I have ever made. My husband liked this so much that, because I had leftover potatoes, gravy, and cornbread stuffing, I had to...
A wonderful baked chicken recipe that's quick and easy! Using just a few handy ingredients, create a delicious main dish, that also makes great leftovers...
Easy and elegant chicken dish. It's a great way to use leftover chicken or turkey. Green pepper and red pimientos make this a pretty dish to serve at Christmas...
This is a down home recipe that I have used for years, and thought I would share it! The buttermilk marinade is terrific and is such a comfort food. However...
Grilled steak and chicken that doesn't dry out on the grill, but stays moist and flavorful. These kabobs are simple to make, and delicious to eat. Skewered...
Make this quick and easy BBQ chicken breast in the oven for those times when you want a good meal but don't feel like fussing. Nuke a few potatoes for...
Chicken breasts, broccoli, and mushrooms are smothered in a creamy Mornay sauce and topped with a blanket of cheesy breadcrumbs in this classic Chicken...
I found a version of this recipe online somewhere and used it to take a roasted chicken to church for a special sampling of foods you can get from ordering...
Honey chicken kabobs with veggies. You can marinate overnight and make these kabobs for an outdoor barbecue as a tasty alternative to the usual barbecue...
In this lighter version of chicken Parmesan I skip the pan-frying in oil and instead bake lightly-breaded chicken breasts in the oven, then top with sauce...
A topping of spicy barbeque sauce, diced chicken, cilantro, peppers, and onion all covered with cheese, and baked to bubbly goodness! This is similar to...
Chicken breasts bathed in a delicate mustard tarragon sauce. A quick and simple recipe that you can serve on a weeknight but tastes like a French chef...
This is an incredibly easy recipe - and delicious! Just mix it up before going to work, then pop it in the oven when you get home in the evening. The sauce...
Tarragon doesn't get enough love. Most people know it only in its dried form, and administered with a heavy hand. But a few sprigs of fresh tarragon can...
This is the stuffing that my mom makes very Thanksgiving, and it's absolutely divine. The holiday just isn't the same without the taste of this dish. The...
I grew up on this recipe, my Grandmother got it from a lady from church at a pot luck a long time ago! She passed it down to my mom and it's always been...
I love fried chicken, but it takes so long and is such a big mess. I came up with this one, and have been making it ever since! Everyone I have given the...