This no-peek beef stew is a real standard in our household - great for company, and my husband always raves! No preparation, except opening cans. It cooks...
This is Persian green stew. I titled this 'Not Quite Ghormeh Sabzi' because I'm not quite Persian, but I grew up with a Persian step-father who would cook...
This no-peek beef stew is a real standard in our household - great for company, and my husband always raves! No preparation, except opening cans. It cooks...
A delicious Tex-Mex Chili even the non-cooks will enjoy. Serve with picante sauce and tortilla chips OR you can put some picante sauce right in the bowl,...
This savory pinto bean and ground beef stew is perfect for cilantro lovers. The combination of Mexican spices makes this a quick family favorite. Serve...
This recipe is an unusual yet yummy blend of ingredients. Beef and lentils are accented with spiced turnip, raisins and figs. It is a hearty yet easy one-pot...
This is an easy and authentic version of Korean tofu stew. I used to eat this every day at a very popular restaurant. I befriended a woman who worked there...
Inspired by my mother-in-law, this is a warm, sweet, fall favorite! I make this for my husband and I, so half saved for another meal. We've found that...
This is a Greek beef stew made with small onions. This is my mom's recipe, and every Fall without fail you could smell it simmering in the kitchen. Serve...
Wonderful stew recipe with crescent rolls laid on top in a pie formation. I used this recipe when I used to work up in Cody, Wyoming. If you do not own...
Stifado is a Greek beef stew and my all-time favorite Greek dish. Chunks of tender beef are cooked with shallots in a rich aromatic tomato sauce. Serve...
My aunt gave me this delicious recipe years ago, and it's still my favorite veal dish! This tomato and white wine sauce keeps the meat tender and moist...
This easy slow cooker beef stew recipe made with potatoes, carrots, celery, broth, herbs, and spices is hearty and comforting. You won't be slow to say...
Beef cubes and bar-b-que beans combine quickly in this hearty and tasty slow cooked meal. No need to brown the meat makes this extra easy for the working...
This Cuban braised beef dish literally translates to 'old clothes,' because apparently some people thought the fall-apart meat and colorful strips of onions...
This easy slow cooker beef stew recipe made with potatoes, carrots, celery, broth, herbs, and spices is hearty and comforting. You won't be slow to say...
This simple stew tastes totally gourmet, and is a snap to prepare -- your slow cooker does most of the work! This recipe yields enough to feed a very satisfied...
This easy slow cooker beef stew recipe made with potatoes, carrots, celery, broth, herbs, and spices is hearty and comforting. You won't be slow to say...
This hearty stew is cooked in the Instant Pot®. It relies on potatoes and aromatics breaking down during the cook to form a rich gravy for tender meat...
A homemade beef stew recipe for the stovetop. This traditional stew is good eaten from a bowl or poured over biscuits. Substitute lamb and voila!... Irish...
This is a yummy stew . . . you can omit the veggies, and just put it over rice or bread. It is a snap to make, and very versatile! You can use different...
My aunt gave me this delicious recipe years ago, and it's still my favorite veal dish! This tomato and white wine sauce keeps the meat tender and moist...
My aunt gave me this delicious recipe years ago, and it's still my favorite veal dish! This tomato and white wine sauce keeps the meat tender and moist...
Too busy to cook? Well, just put these four ingredients in the oven and forget about it. I like to use London broil. Great served over noodles! Try adding...
My grandmother used to make this for my grandfathers lunch when he worked outside for the railroad. She put it in his thermos, and always called it thermos...
This hearty Chilean stew of beef, corn, and pumpkin is a one dish meal. The main ingredients are stewed in serving-sized pieces, so that each person receives...
My aunt gave me this delicious recipe years ago, and it's still my favorite veal dish! This tomato and white wine sauce keeps the meat tender and moist...
I agree that this is a very good recipe. My 93-year-old mother-in-law has recently told me that this is the best meal I have ever brought her, and there...
A hearty beef and vegetable stew with a little spice that is quick to prepare. You can cook the whole thing in one hour, or let it simmer in the slow cooker...
This beef stew soup is a delicious blend of tender beef and vegetables, with just the right amount of thick, flavorful broth to tie everything together....
This is my take on the ubiquitous Latino stew, ajiaco. This version uses leftover roast beef, sweet red peppers, and creamy baby potatoes simmered together...
My grandmother used to make this for my grandfathers lunch when he worked outside for the railroad. She put it in his thermos, and always called it thermos...
Definitely different ingredients of bacon, black olives, small white onions, mushrooms, garlic, thyme, orange peel, red wine and green peas give this stew...