This delicious combination provides a mouthful of contrasts-crispy savoury bacon and soft, melting sweet prunes-great served hot or cold. Substitute the...
These genius hors d'oeuvres from Colby Garrelts (a Food and Wine Best New Chef 2005) call for just three ingredients. The recipe can be made ahead of time,...
Kids love this recipe and request it often. Is great for an appetizer or a main dish, in the oven or on the grill. Serve with barbecue sauce for dipping...
The great flavors of bacon, Cheddar, and ranch in a low-carb, low-calorie tot! Enjoy hot with ketchup, Sriracha, ranch dressing, or your favorite dipping...
Hot red-pepper flakes offer a pleasant contrast to mild mozzarella and salty Canadian bacon. To turn this into a satisfying vegetarian pasta, just leave...