Springfield, Missouri is the home of Cashew Chicken. This is supposed to be Leong's original recipe. Leong and his brother Gee developed this famous dish,...
This is a delicious and simple recipe for squid. Lightly coated in sea salt and pepper seasoned flour and then fried to perfection. Perfect for a hot summer's...
This is a Cambodian recipe that I've learned from a Cambodian-American friend of mine. I'll even eat it for breakfast! It's delicious served warm, can...
I am trying to find out what ingredients are in the onion stuff that every Indian restaurant I've ever been to gives you to have with your meal. It's obviously...
Delicious coconut muffins that contain no eggs, no oil, no wheat flour, and it's very easy to make. Crunchy on the outside and very moist on the inside....
A tender, well flavored change up from your usual pot roast. My Mother always made it for my birthday dinner, as it was my favorite! Serve the roast, and...
I created this recipe after trying a similar dish at a local Chinese restaurant. The avocado tastes SO good with snow peas and chicken. Be sure you use...
Tonkotsu ramen is a noodle dish where the broth is made from pork bones. The broth is the heart and soul of the dish. Traditionally, the broth takes hours,...
Soothes a cold or sore throat, helps you to sleep better, etc.... Warm and delicious, great just before bed every evening. The recipe for turmeric paste...
This is an easy Pinoy recipe if you don't have much time. The beef can be sliced and marinated ahead of time making the meat even tastier. Eat the dish...
This is considered the Philippine national dish. The combination of soy sauce, vinegar, garlic, ginger and peppercorns is delicious and actually preserves...
This beef is marinated with the mixture of flavorful spices with yogurt, which gives the beef an exceptional flavor. This is one of a Pakistani common...
This cheap and very easy Pakistani meal is usually eaten with Basmati rice, tossed salad, and hot pickles. It is relatively quick to make, and tastes even...
This delicious, simple recipe that I put together after asking various people what to do with rainbow trout! The soy sauce can be adjusted to taste. My...
My meatball recipe inspired by Chef John's Mongolian Pork Chops is absolutely delicious. A wonderful recipe for a party. Serve them as an appetizer with...
I had something that sounded like this at a Sharonville Ohio restaurant. I haven't tried this one yet, but will soon, when I get all the ingredients together....
This is a bit different from the others sounds good and this has always been one of our favorite soups in Thailand. Fragrant, spicy and absolutely delicious...
BIG flavor packed into these little savory bundles! I'm trying to find the words to describe just how good these little ginger shrimp potstickers really...
We have a lot of Thai restaurants here in the Pacific NW and when you team Thai ingredients with fresh salmon, you get the best of both worlds. This recipe...
If you love Korean food, you have to try this amazing twist on bulgogi beef! Bulgogi is usually made with thinly shaved slices of beef, marinated and flame...
These are labor intence. But if you have the time it's well worth it. You can use a food processor to ground the shrimp. And use shrimp with no shell/skin....
This is a very famous Hyderabadi dish and is a very simple, but rich dessert. It is great for a large dinner party as the recipe can be easily multiplied...
This easy Thai curry with chicken and broccoli takes very little time and is nice and spicy. You can of course adjust the amount of curry paste to your...
This particular ping gai (Laotian for 'grilled chicken') recipe seems to have originated from the Queen Mother Cafe in Toronto, so some North-Americanization...
from The Shun Lee Cookbook by by Michael Tong & Elaine Louie Makes 20 Dumplings, or 4 Servings Fried dumplings have legions of fans, but there is something...