This ginger-teriyaki glazed salmon tastes fancy but is crazy simple to make. The short ingredient list and easy, 3-step process make it a perfect recipe...
This is my version of a Chinese classic, Cold Ginger Chicken. I like to serve this with steamed jasmine rice and Japanese-style marinated cucumbers. It...
Shrimp can be cooked in many ways. Here's an Indian grilled version, done with tandoori flavourings. Ideal as a main course or as part of an appetizer...
2 pounds scallops should give you 5-6 skewers, but the complete recipe can be doubled to 4 pounds, but each 2-pounds scallops will have to be marinated...
This is a very popular dish in most Asian seafood restaurants. The crispy breaded frog legs blend very well with the melted garlic butter sauce. I serve...
This is a rich, coconutty, velvety korma which really tastes like the real thing. It won't have the artificial 'neon' yellow that Indian takeaways do,...
My mom and I developed this recipe together. We call it Vietnamese/Chinese because the fish sauce is from Vietnamese cuisine and 5 spice powder from Chinese...
Michele and I recently discovered these incredibly tasty, and visually thrilling, savory pancakes at a local bar. I loved the taste and texture, but what...
Recipe from AussieChef at the Fine Cooking board... thanks Aussie! This is a great summer salad, makes an excellent side dish for a picnic, or top with...
These are inspired by the soy sauce eggs I always have at Momofuku Noodle Bar. They are perfect as a snack, part of breakfast, with a nice bowl of rice,...
After finding tons of recipes calling for ginger-garlic paste, but only finding ginger paste or garlic paste, but not both, at local grocery stores, I...
These are a bit of work, but make for a nice, light and healthy dinner. They're drippy and messy, but that makes them even better, in my opinion. :-) I...
This is an Indian vegetable korma with nuts, paneer cheese, and an adjustable list of vegetables. It is in a tomato-cream sauce as opposed to the usual...
I wanted to make a fried rice similar to the kind served at Mall food courts and the local Chinese buffet. Since the saffron rice is already seasoned,...
I was raised in San Francisco and have fun memories of going down to China Town with my Dad and chowing down on steamed pork buns that we had gotten from...
You get an impressive taste for such a simple sounding dish. It impresses company every time. The best part is that you can adjust the heat factor simply...
I love cooking country ribs in my slow cooker -- such a cheap cut of meat to have so much flavor! Although the ol' bottle of BBQ sauce is delicious, it...
This dish tastes best when enjoyed with some refreshing beer or rice wine. Also, try adding some melted mozzarella cheese on top if you don't mind the...
Chicken pieces coated with many fragrant spices like turmeric, cardamom and cloves, then simmered in a tomato sauce. This dish is a family favorite. I...
This is a very popular sauce used for the japanese barbeque. Usually served with salmon but goes well with beef dishes as well. From the "Japanese Country...
A versatile sweet and spicy condiment that can be added to Asian stir-fries, used as a dipping sauce or marinade, or as an accompaniment to any type of...
This is something I threw together for dinner when I had a cold and just couldn't get myself to the store, and used what was on hand. Serve with rice and...
A very easy meal to make! Chicken drumettes, potato, carrots, and onion simmer in a spicy sauce that goes best with white rice. You can find Korean hot...
This is one of my favorite friday night dishes. This pizza is quick, simple and delicious. Instead of making the pizza dough from scratch I decided to...
This is the perfect Thai iced tea recipe! Find Thai tea leaves at any Asian market. It's so easy to make this refreshing careful, you may become...