This dish is so easy to make, but so delicious! Due to the marinating time, you do need to plan ahead to make this, but the wait is worth it. I serve this...
The first time I had sauteed udon noodles, I fell in love. Most try udon in soups, but the flavors from a hot pan and excellent sauces make this spicy...
Traditional Vietnamese coffee with an optional delicious twist! This recipe is based on what I learned from my parents, who drink it every day, and from...
Winter is here and it's time for soup. This meatball soup is perfect for any cold night. Meatballs surrounded with bok choy and rice noodles in an Asian...
While you may see this dish frequently at American Chinese restaurants, it is actually a true Cantonese dish. This is the Americanized version that will...
I like to make my own curry paste, because it intensifies the flavor of the curry immensely. Besides curry paste, all you need are eggplant and tofu. Serve...
This is a recipe I developed from an idea that I found in a goofy 'Working Woman's Cookbook' that my Mom gave me after my first daughter was born in 1981....
Basic Filipino Lumpia Recipe -There are so many ways in cooking and making lumpia, but I will share with you a lumpia recipe which is pretty much a base...
A lovely vegetable recipe full of flavor which can be eaten by itself. Delicious if eaten with plain yogurt. Create your own variation with different vegetables...
Made with Indian curry paste, chicken, coconut milk, and turmeric. Served with white jasmine rice and sweet potatoes. Garnish with fukujinzuke, a Japanese...
This marinade is wonderful for any meat, but I use it on chicken then grill it. It's wonderful. The smell of the fish sauce is awful, but the end result...
One of my clients gave me a shorter version of this recipe before I left work for the day. Added a couple of things to it and loved it. Thanks a lot, Laurie....
Although real Chinese dinners usually end with a piece of fruit, Western influence has caused a few changes. This cake uses Chinese techniques to make...
Inspired by some other stir-fry experiments, this is an attempt to recreate a Chinese takeout favorite from a restaurant I no longer live close to. Other...
DH and I really enjoyed this different way of preparing salmon. From Keiko O Aoki's "Easy and Healthy Japanese Food for the American Kitchen." It should...
A very flavorful dipping sauce I use for my Vietnamese Spring Rolls. The flecks of carrot and crushed chilies look very appealing in the serving bowl....
This is my friend Sharon's recipe and it is phenomenal! She is a great cook and I am so happy she shared it with me! For optimal presentation, garnish...
This spicy and delicious recipe is absolutely incredible. It is so tasty but not recommended for youngsters. I recommend this recipe to impress visitors...
This is an authentic, vegetarian, simple, and colorful main dish served with fluffy basmati rice or chapatis. I'm from India and I completely adore Indian...
Okonomiyaki is a Japanese pancake stuffed with yummy goodness! 'Okonomi' means what you like and 'yaki' means grilled. The ingredients provided are the...
My husband think's he has died and gone to heaven with all the tasty morsels I have been serving up during this contest. I think this salad is a perfect...
After several experiments, I created this cross between a bread and pastry dough that works perfectly for making filled buns. I generally fill with a BBQ...
A sweet dessert made with glutinous rice flour (also called sweet rice flour) and red bean paste. This recipe was given to me by my Chinese sister-in-law....