This recipe comes together in a snap, and it all cooks in the Instant Pot®! Make a rub that will give a hint of smokiness, cook your tenderloins in a...
Kulfi is best described as Indian-style ice cream. However, unlike ice cream, kulfi is not churned. This is a fantastic summer dessert. This is a quick...
Crushed red pepper flakes, canned apricots, pineapple chunks and frozen stir-fry veggies make for a quick, easy and delicious meal. Serve with your favorite...
Butter mochi is a favorite here in Hawaii. It's sweet, sticky, and chewy. It is made with mochiko flour, a glutinous rice flour that can be found in the...
This has become my favorite dish. It's nutritious and vegan friendly. I have to have it once a week. My family loves it as well. Serve with cooked rice...
Indian-inspired lentils the whole family will love and babies, too. Once the dal and rice are at the desired consistency, it's ready to eat or freeze....
Congee, a Chinese rice porridge, will make any cold winter's day warm and welcoming. This recipe, also known as 'jook', was inspired by my Grandmother's...
This recipe has been with me for over 30 years; it was given to me by a Kashmiri guy I shared a house with when I was 17. This is his mum's family recipe....
A quick and easy dinner that's tasty, economical and doesn't leave you with too many dishes to wash! An Asian Style Chicken Noodle Soup. Submitted for...
This is a juicy dish and really easy to prepare. I have made these for years and they're still a huge favorite with family and friends. I serve them with...
My father taught me how to make this quick and easy dinner for four. We usually eat this dish with rice and steamed green beans. Note: You can get the...
Simple Indian chicken curry made delicious, spicy and hot with minimum ingredients. This is a basic recipe that can be tried even by beginners. It pairs...
This is a traditional Chinese dish, which is simple to make. Tender chunks of chicken are bathed in a rich, hot, and spicy sauce. Enjoy with freshly cooked...
This is a delectably rich, buttery, and simple-to-make rendition of the traditional Japanese dessert of red-bean mochi. Traditional Japanese mochi is made...
A simple yet elegant chicken dish, stir fried with carrots, celery and an orange honey sauce. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes...
A quick way to prepare chicken. Can be served with fried rice. I sometimes add sweet red peppers for more color and vitamins. Serve on its own or with...
Quick and easy tempura vegetables make for a great appetizer or side dish. Recommended vegetables are: bell pepper slices, green beans, bite-sized broccoli...
A great tasting spicy sushi roll, for those who like extra pizzazz. You can use cooked or raw tuna to your preference to achieve great flavors. Great for...
Unlike Indian or Thai curry, Japanese curry is more savory than spicy. This chicken recipe uses Golden Curry® brand curry cubes, that can be found in...
This is one of my favorite desserts that I get when I go to a Chinese restaurant. With this recipe, it is easy to make it in the comfort of your own home!...
This is one of the most common Chinese household dishes. You almost never find this dish in restaurants because it takes a long time to cook and because...