Braising an inexpensive cut like lamb shoulder in the Moroccan way transforms the meat into a thick, aromatic stew of meltingly tender meat, chickpeas,...
This wonderfully moist almond cake easily goes gluten-free if desired. The cake comes together quickly in the food processor, with some apricots puréed...
These cookies have a great tart and sweet taste. These are not just a Christmas cookie, but they get asked for every year! You can substitute cranberry...
Another one of my dad's dee-licious dessert concoctions! An easy shortbread crust with cheesecake-like batter, topped with a tangy apricot spread. I call...
This summer-season chicken salad is a dance between sweet, creamy, and acidic flavors and tender, crunchy, and juicy ingredients. Make it in early summer...
Slightly buttery and crunchy with great oat flavor. Apricots and the slightly citrusy and peppery ginger are meant to be together! These bars are a great...