For celebrating the flavors of fall, impressing dinner party guests, and/or the best foodie Rosh Hashanah ever! Mushrooms, fall squash, and kale would...
For this delicious fresh-tasting soup, use your favorite apple rather than a cooking variety, which will give too tart a flavor. This soup is the perfect...
Another good recipe for those holiday meals, or anytime your in the mood for sweet potatoes. My mom has also made this with fresh pumpkin and it's delicious...
A simple little chutney you can prepare any time of the year, especially nice served with a strong cheddar, it is also delicious with our French Canadian...
This easy soup is delicious. It is wonderful proof of the theory that ingredients that come into season together are naturally complementary. Autumn, then,...
Made with a prepared stuffing mix. I like the way this sounds and wanted to post it for future use. You can make a day ahead of serving and just reheat...
This is a super simple recipe and everyone loves it. The cream cheese dough is not rolled but simply pressed into a rough round. This is the richest and...
In 2008, this recipe won red ribbon at a local fair which has been going since 1871! Quebec is known for fruit ketchups which are tasty, sweet and spicy....
I know the title sounds a little pretentious, but these seriously are amazing. I've had many self-proclaimed Brussels sprout haters do a complete u-turn...
"This tasty apple butter is a real slow cooker, but well worth the wait. Depending on the sweetness of the apples used, the amount of sugar may be adjusted...
One of our classic recipes, refreshed! A little less sugar in both the filling and the topping highlights the tart apples. We prefer it with a scoop of...
This is a great stuffing for turkey or chicken but would also go well with pork. From Christine Cushing Live. *NOTE*: time for roasting the chestnuts is...
A farm-girl friend of mine taught me how to make applesauce about 10-years ago, and recent trips to a local orchard brought all her teaching back to me....