Rather than pasta, serve the salty and spicy flavors of this classic Southern Italian dish with spaghetti squash "noodles" for a delicious, hearty vegetarian...
These delicious little fritters are a great way to use up end-of-summer zucchini and corn! Delicious with raita or plain yogurt with a little chopped mint...
I've tried many squash casseroles, but this is by far the best I've ever had. This recipe was given to me by a friend and has gotten rave reviews from...
A quick, easy and mouth-watering zucchini recipe. The sesame imparts intense flavor which combines deliciously with the Parmesan and seasonings. Cayenne...
Pick the flowers off your zucchini plants as soon as you see some zucchini has started to come in under the flower. A very tasty treat! Try stuffing the...
Ratatouille a la Braselton, GA. I know some reviewers will cry 'False! This is nothing like ratatouille!' but pfft, because I took the premise of ratatouille,...
A baked zucchini fry with crushed almonds replacing bread crumbs makes a very light, tasty dish. Zucchini are prepped first to get rid of extra liquid...
Finding myself with an abundant amount of eggplant and zucchini from the garden, I had to get creative and come up with a variety of dishes using these...
These delicious little tots are just as yummy as their potato cousins. Easy to make, delicious to dip, and a great way to use up extra zucchini from the...
In case you haven't noticed, it's zucchini season. It's everywhere, it's cheap, and it's plentiful. My garden is overrun with zucchini, what about you?...