Ratatouille a la Braselton, GA. I know some reviewers will cry 'False! This is nothing like ratatouille!' but pfft, because I took the premise of ratatouille,...
Black bean sauce, ginger and thai chilies make this zucchini a perfect side dish to go along with any Chinese-style main dish. Add eggplant and snow peas...
This recipe is delicious served either hot or cold, and makes for a flavorful side dish. I personally serve this recipe hot, over a bed of quinoa. Remember...
Garlic, oregano, and lemon zest transform mixed vegetables into a Mediterranean-inspired medley in this simple side dish recipe that's prepared in the...
I've tried many squash casseroles, but this is by far the best I've ever had. This recipe was given to me by a friend and has gotten rave reviews from...
In this recipe zucchini are hollowed into 'boats' and stuffed with bread crumbs, Cheddar cheese, onion, parsley, egg and Parmesan cheese. A hearty side...
Zucchini, corn, tomatoes, bell peppers, and onions smothered in melted cheese! Yumm, great side dish, for any meal I serve with Mexican food, and an old...
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
A fun summer dish that is sort of like a savory zucchini cobbler. This is a great side dish and can easily be used as a main dish for a light summer dinner....
This recipe is delicious served either hot or cold, and makes for a flavorful side dish. I personally serve this recipe hot, over a bed of quinoa. Remember...
Deliciously rich and custardy dish with mayonnaise, eggs, and cheese, topped by crispy crackers. This can be made with either summer squash or zucchini...
Deliciously rich and custardy dish with mayonnaise, eggs, and cheese, topped by crispy crackers. This can be made with either summer squash or zucchini...
My grandmother makes this dish all the time and my husband loves it! For a vegetarian variation, use 1 teaspoon vegetable oil instead of bacon and follow...
Traditional ratatouille vegetables, such as zucchini, are mixed with Italian herbs and then air-fried to create a quick and easy side dish that is nutritious...
I've tried many squash casseroles, but this is by far the best I've ever had. This recipe was given to me by a friend and has gotten rave reviews from...
I've tried many squash casseroles, but this is by far the best I've ever had. This recipe was given to me by a friend and has gotten rave reviews from...
I've tried many squash casseroles, but this is by far the best I've ever had. This recipe was given to me by a friend and has gotten rave reviews from...
I've tried many squash casseroles, but this is by far the best I've ever had. This recipe was given to me by a friend and has gotten rave reviews from...