This tamale pie with chicken is a bit of a process, but well worth the rich flavor it produces. My family loved this recipe. In the tradition of Paula...
Only in the German state of Swabia is this dish called 'Fleischkuechle.' In Bavaria, they are called 'Fleischpflanzerl.' In Berlin, they say 'Buletten,'...
Chicken curry can be keto-friendly if a few changes are made. Make sure to watch the carb count on your coconut milk and serving size. Some vegetables...
"Char siu" literally means "fork roast" - "char" being "fork" (both noun and verb) and "siu" being "roast" - after the traditional cooking method for the...
Here's a new way to incorporate South Indian flavors. Try and get fresh wild king or Copper River salmon while they are in season. Fresh sockeye would...
A wonderfully moist barbecued pork with an Asian kick! Although this pork needs to be started 2 days ahead of serving, the recipe is very easy and so worth...
My favorite side dish to order in Chinese restaurants. A chef gave me the ingredients and the tip of blistering the green beans. After some trial and error,...
This homemade sesame chicken recipe certainly feels like a takeout meal, but it's made in the Instant Pot® in your own kitchen. Serve with hot cooked...
This is so good you'll slap yourself! Garnish with sliced almonds, if desired. This is excellent for teatime or to serve at parties or anytime you need...
Fantastic spicy quick lunch or dinner. The egg really makes the meal. We are obsessed with this dish right now! Serving with sliced cucumber and tomato...
Delicious taquitos made with mashed potatoes just like mom used to make. Only now they're vegan and none of the flavors are sacrificed! Serve with sides...
A family favorite, that is rich, cheesy, creamy and oh so good! The crust may also be prepared in advance and refrigerated overnight. Prepare just as a...
This is my version of a recipe that came with my weekly produce basket, which contained several of the ingredients in the recipe. I made a few changes...
Simple and absolutely irresistible chicken tikka masala made in the Instant Pot® with all the flavors of garam masala and turmeric. A wonderful and easy...
This French cheese and potato casserole is called tartiflette in France: potatoes combined with fried onions and bacon, smothered with delicious French...
These are a delicious make-ahead lunch to freeze as a handy lunch to bring to work! Just make, freeze, and then heat in the microwave for a very balanced...
These chicken and black bean empanadas make a great little baked appetizer to dip. A great way to used up leftover chicken or turkey, and they freeze well...
This dish is very easy to make and very Japanese. It reminds me of dishes I've ordered in Japanese restaurants. You can add Korean hot sauce if you like...
The first time I drank this kind of coffee was at my husband's grandfather's house. Grandpa Felix made several different flavored coffees. This Mexican...
Subtle smoky/chocolatey flavors make this ice cream a divine treat for St. Patrick's Day or any day. Don't skimp on the cream! How about a scoop on top...
This homemade sushi is so simple and fun to make! It is definitely sushi for those who may be nervous to try sushi! This also makes a great appetizer and...
Sounds a bit odd, but it's fantastic. My best friend gave me the recipe so I made it and it is incredible. She wanted me to share the recipe, so here it...
Take your tacos and elevate them with this flavorful cilantro lime taco. It cooks in an Instant Pot® so dinner is done fast! Serve with assorted toppings...
This recipe came from my mom, but of course I tweaked it, always putting my own spin on things. I sell this lasagna to my co-workers when they need a fast...
This is a southern tavern with just a bit of a mild kick. You can add more heat by doubling the chili powder and cayenne pepper and adding a few of the...
Struffoli is a Neapolitan dessert that is traditionally prepared at Christmas and made of tiny dough balls that have been deep-fried and soaked in honey,...
A Vietnamese friend taught me how to make this dish that originates from Laos and Cambodia. If you can't find galangal, substitute fresh ginger and a squirt...
Cod fillets are marinated in a blend of yogurt and spices then oven baked. This is a rich Indian delicacy that will definitely win your hearts. Serve with...
I was sitting around one day and had a craving for warm pineapple and steak. A recipe was born! This recipe is really easy to double up on, but watch the...