An easy, velvety soup with complex delicious spice tastes, would make a wonderful start to a dinner party or a great lunch. Got this off the web ages ago...
This is an easy, delicious recipe for weeknight meals. Use one batch of recipe #371193, frozen meatballs from the supermarket or substitute your own meatball...
The addition of sliced beets give these turnip pickles a beautiful pink color and distinctive taste. Pickled vegetables are commonly eaten throughout the...
This is a simple and great pasta dish. You can cut the butter down to about 1 tablespoon to cut the fat if desired, and not suffer any loss of flavor....
A delicious, quick and healthy way to use zucchini! I have also used yellow squash instead. This is also great cooked on the George Foreman. I heat mine...
This recipe is a cold daikon radish salad with a basic sweet hot and sour flavor that we have been making for years. Even though it isn't an actual kimchi,...
Another variation of the always popular broccoli salad - I like the tanginess and texture of the dried cranberries! This salad is good anytime of the year...
Hooooo-m'gawd. I can't even begin to tell you how good this is. But lemme try: *IT'S REALLY GOOD!* Nope... that doesn't do it justice. Look, if you like...
This takes minutes to throw together and everything is mixed in one bowl, sharp cheddar cheese is recommended to use for this, you may also sprinkle grated...
I love this soup because it is thick & creamy without using any cream. I had a huge Butternut squash, and some leeks left from the garden, and this is...
Hadn't ever cooked with aubergine & discovered a delicious easy mousakka & thought I'd play around with the idea of aubergine with my fav flavour of Mozzarella...
This is the recipe that is considered authentique by Capelina d'or and sian d'aqui, 2 associations that promote authentique Nice cooking. To all of those...
Roasted garlic and eggplant mixed with fresh basil and pasta is very easy and healthy. And a great side dish for seared fresh, Ahi tuna! I am anticipating...
I know that brussel sprouts usually get a bad rap, but they truly are a delicious vegetable. Give this a try and it may change your outlook! They are tender,...
This is so easy to make! Just spread the salmon mixture between the two sheets of puff pastry and bake! Although it is really not necessary to chill the...
This sauce is used in a lot of Salvadorean recipes. It is the recipe for the red chile in Tamales Salvadorenas, it is the base recipe for Sopa De Pata,...
This was printed in a local paper here in PDX. This is an amazing soup to serve with crusty bread on a winter day. It is also a wonderful topping for rice,...
My mom was cleaning out one of her closets and came across several folders full of recipes that she had clipped from magazines and newpapers over the years....