An authentic Chinese dish, that happens to be one of my very favorites. I searched a long time for one that tasted restaurant quality and was easy to make!...
My grandmother made these when I was a kid...and I searched the web for a recipe...with no I gave it a try tonite and the result was very good...i...
A great way to use up an abundant zucchini crop, add some other vegetables and you have an easy to make appetizer. I usually serve this with sour cream...
This soup really benefits by using fresh vine-ripened tomatoes and is low calorie and low fat.Try it hot or cold. From a January 1984 issue of Bon Appetite...
This is wonderful to make with your garden-ripe summer tomatoes! To save time prepare the mayonnaise mixture up to a day in advance. Since we love lots...
I developed this recipe, it is really a wonderful moist casserole. Adjust the jalapeno peppers and the cayenne pepper (if using) to taste. To save time...
I have made this recipe many times. It is a Pampered Chef recipe - and it is so good. Serve with triscuits or Fritos scoops. Try this recipe for a different...
This delicious recipe comes from Steven Raichlen, "Master Griller" and author of numerous bestselling cookbooks. This one is from his 'How To Grill Barbecue...
The cabbage cooks with the sugar and vinegar to make a nice mellow flavor. My Nana would serve it with potato dumplings and sour bratten. One of my favorite...
This is a regular family favourite that we serve with Moroccan or Lebanese style meals. Or Greek or Italian-whatever we feel like I guess! And we love...
A great version of serving carrots that even kids love. The cinnamon is such a nice touch and the honey is a great substitute for sugar. I hope you enjoy...
This is a nicely-flavored simple salad that I love and make often in the summer. My husband is not as crazy about tomatoes as I am, but he will eat seconds...
You know how that when you plant cherry tomatoes and that one plant will product a zillion little tomatoes? Give this recipe a try and steal some of those...
This one came from the New York Times, January 17th, 1999. I'm not sure what unit a "bunch" is, but hey, try for a couple or three in a bunch. You can...
This is one of my newly adopted recipes. I have not yet tried it, but have created concoctions similar to this on my own many times. This is an add/delete,...
This recipe was developed out of a need to use up eggplant that are going nuts out in my garden. We love Indian food and this was inspired by a spiced...
My favorite kind of summer meal when tomatoes are peaking. You can also just chop up a large tomato versus using grape tomatoes. This is from SOuthern...
This fried okra is very crispy. The Parmesan coating adds a nice flavor to the okra. Since there is no flour or cornmeal used in the recipe, it's perfect...
This is the best glazed carrot recipe. I came across it in my grandmother's receipts. It will intensify the flavor if you use frozen orange juice and make...
This is my first tomato bisque. I have never even tasted one, but I love every other bisque and decided to try one. I made several changes to a food network...