This is smooth baby! Be sure and use a good quality melting cheese for best results. NOTE: 08/19/08, we edited the recipe to a larger spinach-to-sauce...
Quick, simple, and unbelievably tasty. This recipe could make even a self-professed brussels sprout hater change their mind. Roasting at a high temperature...
Haluski is a pan fried dish that both of my grandmothers used to make of butter, onion, cabbage and noodles. It makes a delicious main or side dish, whatever...
A luscious mexican specialty! These are quite easy to prepare and better than what you find in a mexican restaurant. Chiles filled with savory cheese,...
I am surprised how difficult it is to find a genuine guacamole recipe. No need for mayo or sour cream or all the other additives. This is the original,...
"Refreshing light summer salad." I like to make this salad in the Summer when my Tomatoes, and Basil are plentiful and Cucumbers are 3 for a dollar at...
Caramelized and delicious. Use organic whole carrots for better true-carrot flavor. I use turbinado sugar because the crystals are bigger and they dissolve...
This is a recipe I made by taking the best of three or four popper recipes and combining them to make something that tastes wonderful. A frequent request...
An easy side dish to have with any meal! The cheese sauce makes this the ultimate vegetable. It also makes your dinner plate colorful and pretty! Quick...
After a number of unsatisfactory attempts at making deep-fried poppers, I modified a recipe by Emeril that is much easier than frying and everyone in our...
Easy-to-prepare appetizer. Laurita has a good idea so the asparagus does not over cook, to pre-cook bacon a little. So try my Recipe #187790 to avoid over...
This is my absolute favorite recipe for seasoned oven roasted vegetables. And you won't believe how easy it is. I always get compliments and requests for...
I never liked coleslaw until I tried my husband's great aunt's. Now I can't get enough of it! Great with BBQ pork sandwiches. You can also use a bag of...
A good friend gave me this recipe many years ago after I munched down nearly a quart while visiting! I threw out ALL my other dill pickle recipes because...
Excellent served as a side dish with steak, roast beef or even chicken. The lemon gives the mushrooms a nice tangy flavour which mixes well with the flavour...
"Balsamic Roasted Brussels Sprouts" was always one of the first dishes to sell out on our TaylorMade Menu in the cafe. The Balsamic glazes them in the...
Every fall, I look forward to making cabbage. I just love it in so many ways. I think that you too will love this layered cabbage casserole with ground...
Love these Sweet Pickles, one of the best sweet pickle recipes in my collection and one of the best I have ever tasted. This is one of those old old recipes...
My grandmother used to make this at Thanksgiving and Christmas to fill out the usual sweet potato casserole and dressing menu. This was always one of my...
These tender escargots in mushroom caps are smothered with wine sauce and cheese. Nothing big and fancy, but I liked how it turned out, so I thought I'd...
This came from the first onslaught of zucchini from my garden, coupled with a handful of this-n-that from the fridge. A very forgiving recipe - more of...
Modified from a recipe by Ina Garten. We've made this a few times for dinner, and it turned out delicious as well as beautiful. The puff pastry is much...
Also called "Deli Dills Refrigerator Pickles." These are the BEST dill pickles ever! You don't need to can/process these pickles, as they keep in your...
I love these peppers on hot dogs, hamburgers or what ever. They are so easy to make. You can double the recipe with no problem. I have never water bathed...
This is the only way I can get kids to eat zucchini, and the adults enjoy it as well. It really is good; it was included in the school cookbook at the...
This is an excellent recipe I got from my grandmother who has been making this for years. It's always a hit, especially at potlucks. Even my husband likes...
Asparagus Salad with Sweet Balsamic Vinegar - Boiling the vinegar concentrates and sweetens it, so the dressing doesn't require as much oil to balance...
I couldn't find a mushroom recipe that I liked, so I started playing around with my own creation. You can make these with salad shrimp, crab, sausage -...
Make it ahead of time and then cut it into wedges, like a cake. The layers of roasted vegetables look so beautiful. One adaptation that I do, is put a...
Can be served with my Shrimp-Eggplant Beignets or Fried fish. You can toss cooked shrimp in to make a shrimp salad. This is a spicy crunchy sauce. Cook...
From Jamie Oliver's cookbook The Return of the Naked Chef. I would like to personally thank Recipezaar member French Tart for posting this recipe for me...