This recipe was passed on by a friend and has been passed on to many more friends. It is a colorful and delicious salad served in a self made vinaigrette....
Try a flavor from the beaches of the eastern shore. This refreshing yet hearty family recipe has been adopted into the families of all of our friends....
I grew up just outside of a Mexican border town, and at least twice month my grandmother would take me across the border to do some shopping. I remember...
This salad is very easy to make and always requested by my family. People think they are eating something special because it is made with hearts of palm....
This bright, simple salad is a great pot luck dish, or a great main dish served with tortillas or cornbread. Depending on your family's tastes, red peppers...
A cold pasta salad with orzo, green olives, feta cheese, parsley, dill, tomato, olive oil, and lemon juice. If you don't have fresh herbs, use 1 teaspoon...
This is the pea salad everyone begs for at any event or anytime we make it. Easy and so addictive. Most folks are sure there is bacon in the recipe, but...
Creamy dressing and fresh garden veggies add up to more than the sum of their parts in this crunchy, craveable salad. This Allrecipes Magazine recipe is...
This is a delightful, cool, and crisp salad with healthy fruits, vegetables, and nuts that is a great accompaniment to any entree. It's a real favorite...
This sweet and tangy summer salad of cucumber, cilantro, and peanuts with just a hint of heat is always a hit at picnics and potlucks since it doesn't...
Fattoush is one of the most well known Middle Eastern salads and a standard dish on the 'mezza' (small dishes) table. It's a colorful tossed salad with...
I was looking for a way to use raw beets and found a recipe online. I changed it a bit to use ingredients that I grow and use. It's so yummy and is so...
I created this salad because I had lots of fresh veggies and herbs from my garden that needed using up. It is so good, and because it makes its own dressing,...
This salad is very pretty when served in a large bowl, and is bursting with lots of fresh flavors. You can spice it up by substituting jalapeno peppers...
Great-Grandma Maida Dixon made this salad for family gatherings. I think of her every time I make. It's sooo good. It needs to be placed in the refrigerator...
An exciting, cool and refreshing side salad that goes great with grilled meat. Fantastic for get-togethers. You WILL be asked for the recipe! Reserve a...
This recipe quickly becomes the favorite of pretty much everyone that tries it. It's so tasty, it's easy to make, and the ingredients are interchangeable!...
Very quick and tasty sidedish that can be altered to taste, almost every ingredient except the corn is optional. Very pretty side dish also. I've made...
Crisp, fresh broccoli and cheese tortellini with a creamy dressing are the basis of this salad. Raisins, sunflower seeds and red onion dress it up. This...
Enjoy this easy and delicious summer garden treat with no cooking involved! I serve this at church dinners and never have enough. If you can make this...