Pate brisee is the French version of classic pie or tart pastry. Pressing the dough into a disc rather than shaping it into a ball allows it to chill faster....
Great tasting non-meatballs for spaghetti or served with a rich veggie gravy. If you don't have any egg substitute on hand, you can use 2 beaten eggs in...
Great tasting non-meatballs for spaghetti or served with a rich veggie gravy. If you don't have any egg substitute on hand, you can use 2 beaten eggs in...
Great tasting non-meatballs for spaghetti or served with a rich veggie gravy. If you don't have any egg substitute on hand, you can use 2 beaten eggs in...
This is a delicious kabli pulao made in a pressure cooker. The rice gets infused with flavor and has the perfect texture. This is a must-try! You can also...
This is a delicious kabli pulao made in a pressure cooker. The rice gets infused with flavor and has the perfect texture. This is a must-try! You can also...
These burgers are so easy to make and so good! The sour cream and salsa dip is the perfect addition to these. Serve patties warm with sour cream and salsa...
Chickpeas pureed with garlic, peanut butter, onions, egg, soy sauce and spices, then formed and fried. Excellent when served in a pita with sliced tomato,...
These candied yams topped with sugary pecans and marshmallows are a perfect choice during the holidays, but also fun to serve as a sweet winter side dish...
This loaf is loaded with great flavors, is hearty and great for you! It truly melts in your mouth! You could make patties out of this recipe by leaving...
These crispy patties are a perfect substitute for a burger. Serve in a pita with lettuce, tomato, and cucumber, and you've got yourself a great Mediterranean...
Unlike most of America's other favorite fast foods, falafel is rarely attempted at home, which is a shame, since it's very simple to do, and even a relative...
This North African one-dish-meal is so fast, easy, and delicious. Be sure to cook your sauce until the veggies are nice and soft and sweet. Once the eggs...