Learn how to make this delicious and impressive turkey main, which is filled with our Sausage and Sour-Cherry Stuffing. It's the perfect recipe to make...
Between Martha's beloved method for roasting turkey with wine- and butter-soaked cheesecloth, to the sweet and nutty stuffing, this Thanksgiving recipe...
If your family loves meatloaf as much as Emeril's, get them into the kitchen to help assemble this simple, winning meatloaf recipe with oatmeal. Whip up...
Combine butter, lemon zest, parsley, and thyme for a flavorful rub for your Thanksgiving turkey. Yes, this perfectly roasted turkey takes some time to...
Layering the ingredients with the beans on the bottom ensures proper cooking of this satisfying and flavorful turkey stew. The beauty of making this stew...
A lighter but super-flavorful meatloaf with an irresistible ketchup-meets-hoisin glaze. This freeform meatloaf is baked on a sheet pan so there's more...
This kid-friendly recipe for turkey meatloaf muffins is packed with cheddar cheese, Worcestershire sauce, breadcrumbs, dry mustard powder, and garlic....
Turkey isn't just for serving on Thanksgiving! This is a super simple roast turkey recipe that's delicious any night of the week. Serve with a gravy made...
If you like French toast and grilled cheese, you'll love a Monte Cristo. This sandwich is usually pan-fried, but baking it instead means you can use less...
Simmered cabbage leaves are rolled around a ground turkey filling spiced with ground cumin and cayenne pepper. Tomato sauce keeps the rolls moist while...
Enjoy an Italian-style soup with pesto-infused meatballs, basil, garlic and escarole, topped with Parmigiano-Reggiano and freshly cracked pepper. To make...
It may seem like a bit of trouble to brine the turkey, but it is well worth it: This is the best turkey we've ever tasted. If you don't have a stockpot...
Learn how to make the perfect gravy for Thanksgiving using caramelized, brown bits from the bottom of the roasting pan, homemade Giblet stock, Madeira...
Each slice of this turkey reveals the roast's exquisite design, thanks to a Sausage-Pecan Stuffing. A tart chutney made with cranberries, raisins, and...
Amp up the flavor of mild turkey patties with ginger, garlic, soy sauce, and sesame oil, and top them with buttery Havarti cheese and slivers of tangy...
Here's a simple twist on classic Thanksgiving turkey. Boneless turkey breasts are rubbed with crushed rosemary, sweet paprika, and lime juice for a flavorful...
Heritage turkeys have more dark meat and a gamier, richer flavor than broad-breasted factory birds; try one this holiday with a slow-roasted recipe from...
Here's an unexpected, but totally genius way to cook your turkey for Thanksgiving. Our parchment bag technique yields moist meat and crisp, golden skin...
Instead of roasting your turkey whole, try breaking it down first instead. That way you can give each part the attention it deserves -- more oven time...
Using 39 ingredients and a precise culinary methodology, Martha's friend and banker Jane Heller's recipe creates a juicy roasted bird beneath a dramatic...
Here's a more exotic option for leftover turkey: Mix it with store-bought simmer sauce for an Indian-inspired dinner that comes together in less than 30...
The wet brine for this turkey is made with a combination of garlic, thyme, bay leaves, coriander, peppercorns, and fennel seeds. Adapted from Anne Quatrano's...
This sheet-pan supper features turkey breast, carrots, and broccoli for an easy and nourishing meal. Make sure you use a flavorful whole-grain mustard...
Intense heat concentrates the pumpkin's sugars, bringing out its natural sweetness -- so you can enjoy its rich, dense flesh as you spoon out your stew....
Heritage birds have, quite simply, incredible turkey flavor (making the additional expense well worth it). The skin on this bird was so crisp that it practically...
Ground turkey patties flavored with parsley, Worcestershire, and Dijon mustard are steamed then seared for these Mediterranean-inspired pita burgers. They're...
The peppery bite of broccoli rabe mellows when joined by Parmesan, pine nuts, and red-pepper flakes. Plus, you get a solid serving of vegetables in a comforting...
A dry-brined turkey is so much easier to prepare than a wet-brined turkey-and the clean-up process is easier, too. For a beautiful, natural garnish, arrange...
This tasty sandwich is packed with protein and lots of flavor, thanks to turkey cutlets, mango chutney, Dijon mustard, grated Havarti cheese, and sliced...
Toss together a light but satisfying post-Thanksgiving lunch by teaming leftover turkey and cranberry sauce with peppery watercress and nutty farro for...
This low-fuss, oven-free method for Thanksgiving turkey results in a supremely moist bird with a lightly smoked taste and burnished, crispy skin. We also...
This time-saving turkey recipe saves room in the oven for sides. First you pound the breast, then roll it with stuffing and roast it while the legs braise...