Bring a bit of the Southwest to your table with this homemade chicken tortilla soup. Loaded with tender chicken, diced tomatoes, and plenty of seasonings,...
This soup warms you from the inside out. It contains no animal products, so vegans can enjoy it! The tortillas add a surprising thickness as the soup cooks,...
This filling chicken tortilla soup will leave bellies full and happy, and is boyfriend-approved. For a spicier soup add a diced jalapeno to the onions,...
You may thicken soup by adding the desired amount of tomato paste to the soup or extend the recipe by adding one 10-ounce can of tomato soup. Garnish with...
It's not possible to get tired of this traditional recipe for Mexican bean and tortilla soup, or sopa tarasca, from the state of Michoacan. Besides delicious,...
This shrimp soup comes together quickly and will warm your insides with spicy red pepper, diced tomatoes, and zucchini noodles. Top with your favorite...
This rich chicken soup has a hint of coconut milk and Jamaican spices to give it a unique island flavor. Serve topped with mozzarella, crispy tortilla...
This rich chicken soup has a hint of coconut milk and Jamaican spices to give it a unique island flavor. Serve topped with mozzarella, crispy tortilla...
Yet another of my mother's recipes I enjoyed as a kid! This is a tasty and flavorful soup that is easy to make and works as a great lunch or dinner meal....
Yet another of my mother's recipes I enjoyed as a kid! This is a tasty and flavorful soup that is easy to make and works as a great lunch or dinner meal....
Yet another of my mother's recipes I enjoyed as a kid! This is a tasty and flavorful soup that is easy to make and works as a great lunch or dinner meal....
Bring a bit of the Southwest to your table with this homemade chicken tortilla soup. Loaded with tender chicken, diced tomatoes, and plenty of seasonings,...
Some simple modifications can make this delicious soup even healthier! I reduce the sodium by using low-sodium chicken broth and fresh chilies instead...
This filling chicken tortilla soup will leave bellies full and happy, and is boyfriend-approved. For a spicier soup add a diced jalapeno to the onions,...
Hot or cold outside, this soup is light and refreshing. I first enjoyed this dish while sitting ocean-side in Mexico. Goes great with a margarita or beer...
An easy and delicious spicy soup made with ground turkey breast. Control the spice level by the picante sauce you use (we like medium). Also works well...
Here's a recipe for a Mexican-style soup that uses lots of beans combined with fresh chicken. The taco seasoning and green chiles make this one spicy -...
This shrimp soup comes together quickly and will warm your insides with spicy red pepper, diced tomatoes, and zucchini noodles. Top with your favorite...
This shrimp soup comes together quickly and will warm your insides with spicy red pepper, diced tomatoes, and zucchini noodles. Top with your favorite...
This shrimp soup comes together quickly and will warm your insides with spicy red pepper, diced tomatoes, and zucchini noodles. Top with your favorite...
Best tortilla soup with a kick made in a Vitamix®. This is spicy. If your family does not like the heat, swap out the jalapeno Jack for just plain shredded...
It's not possible to get tired of this traditional recipe for Mexican bean and tortilla soup, or sopa tarasca, from the state of Michoacan. Besides delicious,...
This rich chicken soup has a hint of coconut milk and Jamaican spices to give it a unique island flavor. Serve topped with mozzarella, crispy tortilla...
This rich chicken soup has a hint of coconut milk and Jamaican spices to give it a unique island flavor. Serve topped with mozzarella, crispy tortilla...
Hot or cold outside, this soup is light and refreshing. I first enjoyed this dish while sitting ocean-side in Mexico. Goes great with a margarita or beer...
Hot or cold outside, this soup is light and refreshing. I first enjoyed this dish while sitting ocean-side in Mexico. Goes great with a margarita or beer...
Pumpkin, Rotel®, and other Southwestern flavors combine with tortilla strips and Monterey Jack cheese to make a hearty, satisfying soup. The optional...
Bring a bit of the Southwest to your table with this homemade chicken tortilla soup. Loaded with tender chicken, diced tomatoes, and plenty of seasonings,...
This is a favorite among us Texans, and there are so many diverse ways to prepare it. I have experimented with more entailed recipes, and came up with...
Hot or cold outside, this soup is light and refreshing. I first enjoyed this dish while sitting ocean-side in Mexico. Goes great with a margarita or beer...
Hot or cold outside, this soup is light and refreshing. I first enjoyed this dish while sitting ocean-side in Mexico. Goes great with a margarita or beer...
You can call this soup or chili, but either way it is wonderful! This recipe is also very adaptable to your personal taste. I recommend using Bill Echols'...
This chicken tortilla soup with shredded chicken, black beans, and corn is quick to make, full of flavor, and very filling! It's garnished with chopped...
You can call this soup or chili, but either way it is wonderful! This recipe is also very adaptable to your personal taste. This healthier version includes...
This shrimp soup comes together quickly and will warm your insides with spicy red pepper, diced tomatoes, and zucchini noodles. Top with your favorite...