This recipe takes any store bought, colorless tomato and makes it seem like the best vegetable you've ever tasted! Just takes a little extra time than...
Delicious, easy, and beautifully presented, this vegetarian dish inspired by Indian cuisine is perfect for potlucks, especially if you love cauliflower...
Tasty dish for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians; the tomato, onion and cheeses give it just the right zing. My children are pretty picky, and even...
I am from Pakistan, and this recipe is from the Pakistani kitchen. This dish is traditionally served with chapati, but you can serve it with boiled rice...
A great dish for tomato and mozzarella lovers - you can easily scale it up if you are serving a lot of people. Great side for parties or BBQs, as it tastes...
This was made by a German family that I stayed with for a few days, and I loved it! Use your favorite combination of herbs if you wish. Great with a loaf...
This is a quick variation of an Indian okra dish that my mother used to make. My 3 year old daughter simply loves this dish. It can be spiced up to suit...
If you're not frying your green tomatoes in bacon grease then you have lost half of the great flavor! No self-respecting Southerner fries their green tomatoes...
Garlic, Parmesan cheese, fresh basil, and toasted nuts turn brown rice into a superstar stuffing in this Italian-inspired stuffed tomato side dish that's...
This delicious vegetable dish with chard and tomatoes is simmered in a hearty sauce with garlic, cream, and feta cheese. Tastes great as a vegetarian main...
This is a simple and easy to toss together recipe using cauliflower. Serve this dish with Indian breads such as thin rotis or naans--even a pita bread...
Cherry tomatoes are easily dried in a food dehydrator. When I make soup or stew I throw in a handful, and they taste like they were just picked. You could...
A Tex-Mex variation on this Southern-American favorite. This version uses sour tomatillos instead of green tomatoes for a tangy bite! This dish is perfect...
This is a dish easily available in Indonesia. Different states have different ways of cooking the chile topping - some use tomatoes, some use tamarind....
This is a very quick and easy vegetarian supper dish for two people, especially good if you grow your own tomatoes and courgettes and have a glut to use...
Need a flavorful Mexican side dish? Try this delicious calabacitas con queso with zucchini, corn and tomatoes and cheese. Serve as a side or stuff in tortillas...
Tired of fried eggplant? Eggplant Parmesan too much of a hassle? I came up with this recipe to deal with the plethora of tomatoes and eggplants the garden...
This is a simple, delicious dish of cherry tomatoes and olives. Garlic and balsamic vinegar round out the flavor, and pine nuts add a pleasant crunch if...