Make use of an abundance of fresh, seasonal raspberries with this jam recipe. Pro tip: liquid pectin can be substituted for the powdered pectin with no...
This is a great steak alternative for vegetarians, in addition to being a delicious side dish at any type of dinner.From the book "Mad Hungry," by Lucinda...
Martha's take on this classic American side dish is a winner. This easy creamed corn recipe uses fresh corn kernels which are simmered with butter and...
Easy to prepare and just as easy to love, spicy, zesty corn is a delicious summer appetizer. To eat, dip a lime wedge in the salt and chile powder, then...
For the ultimate easy, boozy summer dessert, pair different melons with different liquors and top with fresh herbs. We like watermelon with tequila and...
This quick side dish can be prepared in the same pan as the Grilled Latin-Style Skirt Steak, adding an abundance of flavor.From the book "Mad Hungry,"...
Grilled corn always elicits oohs and aahs, even though it only takes minutes to make. Imagine, then, how doubly impressed your friends will be when you...
Grape tomatoes are cooked with sugar and ginger at a low oven temperature until crinkled and fragrant. Use these flavor bombs to top salads or cooked greens,...
A healthy alternative to soda, this sweet, carbonated drink is cold and refreshing. You can also use lemons in place of limes.From the book "Lucinda's...
This recipe calls for apricots, but peaches, plums, and nectarines roast beautifully, too. The traditional version of dulce de leche, a Latin American...