This is a unique, gourmet way to serve this fantastic summer fruit! The balsamic vinegar brings out the berries' beautiful color and truly enhances their...
This creamy strawberry cheesecake is perfect for any special occasion! You have to bake the cake and let it cool for an hour, then chill it in the refrigerator...
I came across this recipe in a magazine, and with a few adjustments I was able to make it into a delicious crisp. It goes great with vanilla ice cream...
This delicious, attractive, and (most importantly) super-easy puff pastry recipe can easily be made low-fat by using fat-free whipped topping and skim...
This is the simplest version of chocolate covered strawberries I know. Paraffin was originally used instead of shortening. Turn the strawberries upside...
A fast way to make delicious ice cream without compromising quality. Use any frozen fruit in place of the strawberries. This is a quick recipe to WOW company...
Strawberries and rhubarb make the perfect fruit pairing! This compote will liven up yogurt, oatmeal, scones, and ice cream and makes the most delicious...
Many people consider this type of strawberry ice cream recipe a 'hack' or a 'cheat' because we're skipping the more time-consuming and sometimes temperamental...
This strawberry cake with Jell-O® recipe has been in my family for 40+ years... don't take any shortcuts and it's sure to be the most delicious, rich...
Simple enough for the kids to make, this yummy fresh-fruit parfait is always a welcome addition to our dinner table. Substitute fresh peaches or berries...
It is hard to find scratch strawberry cakes, so this one is worth it weight in gold to me as a caterer. I made this cake for a child's birthday party....
I've been making pudding for years and stumbled on a recipe last year that caught my attention and taste buds. I've made it and changed it and now it's...
This is a light dessert that I like to make in the summertime. It consists of a shortbread crust topped with a cream cheese layer and then fresh strawberries...
Yum, yum! Sometimes I add some finely chopped semi-sweet chocolate. These are perfect for baby showers or wedding showers. A plastic sandwich bag can be...
If you're looking for a new strawberry and rhubarb recipe, try these delicious crumb bars. The bar cookies have a crumb crust, a juicy rhubarb and strawberry...
This simple strawberry compote has the consistency of a chunky fruit syrup and will liven up yogurt, oatmeal, scones, and ice cream. It also makes the...
While certainly not light on the calorie counter, this berry fool (from the French 'fouler' meaning 'to mash') is shockingly airy on the palate. It's that...
Sweet, soft strawberry sorbet that will rival any brand bought in the grocery store. Not being able to find the perfect recipe, I made up my own! Most...
A wonderful way to use those you-pick strawberries from the farm. Very easy, most ingredients you will already have on hand too. This can also be served...
A co-worker assembled this delicious cake for a birthday party. She said she couldn't say she made it because all she did was cut the strawberries and...
It's hard to find a summer dessert easier and more refreshing than this combination of strawberry ice cream and a purchased 10-inch angel food cake! Layers...
Many strawberry yogurt cake recipes list a mix as the first ingredient, but I like making my cakes from scratch. My whole family loves this moist cake...
This type of strawberry cake recipe with all-natural strawberry flavoring (no gelatin) is quite rare and difficult to find. This strawberry cake tastes...
Imagine the most delicious strawberry ice cream made from just 4 basic ingredients: Greek yogurt, strawberries, sugar, and a squeeze of lemon. This recipe...