What begins as a cheese omelet soon transforms into spicy appetizer squares. Simple to make and simply delicious. Cut the baked mixture into little square...
Spicy appetizers made from stuffed jalapeno or habanero peppers. Believe it or not, if cooked thoroughly, and if you remove the seeds, a person can even...
This has all the flavor of jalapeno poppers in an easy to make dip! I have mixed the Parmesan cheese in with the dip and omitted the cracker and butter...
Spicy appetizers made from stuffed jalapeno or habanero peppers. Believe it or not, if cooked thoroughly, and if you remove the seeds, a person can even...
I've been obsessed with this crispy fried snack ever since my friend brought the recipe back from South Africa in 1988. This is adapted from a recipe she...
I've been obsessed with this crispy fried snack ever since my friend brought the recipe back from South Africa in 1988. This is adapted from a recipe she...
These wings are coated in cornflake crumbs, oven fried and drizzled with spicy honey. They are hot, crispy and addicting...best of all, not fried, so they're...
This is a recipe that I made up for a bunch of hungry guys that where watching football one afternoon with my husband. They loved them so much that they...
These wings are coated in cornflake crumbs, oven fried and drizzled with spicy honey. They are hot, crispy and addicting...best of all, not fried, so they're...
They have the flavor of Buffalo chicken dip rolled into a ball and then breaded and deep fried. Dip in either ranch or blue cheese dip. I served these...
A real chicken nugget, at least in the fast food context, is not just a small solid piece of chicken. It's more of a deep-fried, mostly-chicken sausage...
These pecans aren't too hot, but you can leave out the red pepper if you like them milder, or increase it to taste. These make a great snack or appetizer...
I've been obsessed with this crispy fried snack ever since my friend brought the recipe back from South Africa in 1988. This is adapted from a recipe she...
These pecans aren't too hot, but you can leave out the red pepper if you like them milder, or increase it to taste. These make a great snack or appetizer...
Outstanding dip, with a semi-sweet, creamy kick. This is a good spread for sandwiches, topper for soft cheeses, or option for salad dressing. I made this...
Red pepper flakes add a surprisingly spicy twist to this typically sweet fig topping and it's the perfect accompaniment to your favorite cheese and a glass,...
I promise you that this is no gimmick. The spicy, sticky, and peanut-based sauce base delivers a distinct chicken wing-eating experience. If you're a fan...
I promise you that this is no gimmick. The spicy, sticky, and peanut-based sauce base delivers a distinct chicken wing-eating experience. If you're a fan...
These are very yummy, and if any of you have ever had Japanese tempura coated veggies, you'll love this recipe. It's similar, yet it is unique in it's...
This Buffalo cauliflower is a great substitution for Buffalo wings and can be made gluten-free, vegan, or vegetarian. Make sure to coat your cookie sheet...
Made with EIGHT habanero chile peppers, these wings are very, very HOT. Wear gloves to chop the peppers. Be warned, and be careful! Serve with ice cold...
Made with EIGHT habanero chile peppers, these wings are very, very HOT. Wear gloves to chop the peppers. Be warned, and be careful! Serve with ice cold...
A zippy new take on the traditional meatball dish, the real secret in the flavor is the combination of the cumin, dill, and pepperjack cheese, which leaves...
Crab cakes are a traditional East Coast flavor; this recipe, however, gives them a Middle Eastern spin!!! They are moist and flavorful alone, but add the...
Tofu is breaded and air-fried then tossed in buffalo sauce for vegan buffalo wings to cure your spicy fix without oil. Freezing the tofu gives it a chewy...
A zippy new take on the traditional meatball dish, the real secret in the flavor is the combination of the cumin, dill, and pepperjack cheese, which leaves...
Smoked cheese and green salsa give these crispy chicken taquitos that extra yum! Thinner corn tortillas will work the best. If you can't find the smoked...