This tasty treat is quick and easy to make. Jalapeno peppers are baked into a cheese blend. Sausage or ham may be added to the mixture. It can be made...
Where I'm from, they're just called 'Wings.' I've made this recipe for as long as I can remember - hopping from my hometown of Buffalo, NY, to Raleigh,...
Spicy appetizers made from stuffed jalapeno or habanero peppers. Believe it or not, if cooked thoroughly, and if you remove the seeds, a person can even...
These pickled eggs are great sliced and served on a salad or just eat them plain for a quick low carb snack! You can adjust the heat by adding more or...
These pickled eggs are great sliced and served on a salad or just eat them plain for a quick low carb snack! You can adjust the heat by adding more or...
This is a wonderful spread for crackers. I make it ahead of time and then bring it out before dinner is served. My guests love it, and there is usually...
We serve these baked buffalo shrimp with ranch for dipping. You could serve with some celery stalks as well. Great for parties or football games. A definite...
A homemade lower fat dip accompanies these Buffalo-braised chicken strips. Delicious and less unhealthy Buffalo chicken strips than served in many restaurants....
What begins as a cheese omelet soon transforms into spicy appetizer squares. Simple to make and simply delicious. Cut the baked mixture into little square...
These pickled eggs are great sliced and served on a salad or just eat them plain for a quick low carb snack! You can adjust the heat by adding more or...
A zippy new take on the traditional meatball dish, the real secret in the flavor is the combination of the cumin, dill, and pepperjack cheese, which leaves...
A zippy new take on the traditional meatball dish, the real secret in the flavor is the combination of the cumin, dill, and pepperjack cheese, which leaves...
A homemade lower fat dip accompanies these Buffalo-braised chicken strips. Delicious and less unhealthy Buffalo chicken strips than served in many restaurants....
This is a hot meat sauce that is put on hot dogs (wieners) here in Rhode Island. It's usually added after the mustard and chopped onions and topped with...
This is a hot meat sauce that is put on hot dogs (wieners) here in Rhode Island. It's usually added after the mustard and chopped onions and topped with...
Where I'm from, they're just called 'Wings.' I've made this recipe for as long as I can remember - hopping from my hometown of Buffalo, NY, to Raleigh,...
This fresh, fast, and easy snack is heart-healthy and delicious. I have tried lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, Meyer lemon, key limes and Satsuma juices...
This tasty treat is quick and easy to make. Jalapeno peppers are baked into a cheese blend. Sausage or ham may be added to the mixture. It can be made...
A friend made these grilled peppers at a BBQ party and they were great, so I had to share! The more colors you use the more colorful it is. Our friend...
A zippy new take on the traditional meatball dish, the real secret in the flavor is the combination of the cumin, dill, and pepperjack cheese, which leaves...