Fried pickles with a kick! The cayenne may seem over the top but the Cheetos® lose some of their heat in the oil so you've got to trust me on this one....
Everybody's favorite savory pancake has been combined with Buffalo chicken in this easy and fun appetizer. This new party snack will be a hit while you're...
This is such an easy appetizer that never fails to impress! People are familiar with feta, but this traditional Greek way of preparing is not as well known....
This is a hot meat sauce that is put on hot dogs (wieners) here in Rhode Island. It's usually added after the mustard and chopped onions and topped with...
Everybody loves meatballs at parties, and this recipe won't let you down! Seasoned beef meatballs are simmered in a sweet and spicy sauce. You can also...
This recipe was inspired by a dip I tasted in Tucson, AZ. It has a spicy flair and tastes great with salty chips and crunchy bell peppers. Be sure to use...
This recipe is fantastic with warm crusty Italian bread, or any other bread for that matter! Use extra virgin olive oil and really good aged balsamic vinegar....
Crab cakes are a traditional East Coast flavor; this recipe, however, gives them a Middle Eastern spin!!! They are moist and flavorful alone, but add the...
This recipe was inspired by a dip I tasted in Tucson, AZ. It has a spicy flair and tastes great with salty chips and crunchy bell peppers. Be sure to use...
This recipe is fantastic with warm crusty Italian bread, or any other bread for that matter! Use extra virgin olive oil and really good aged balsamic vinegar....
Crab cakes are a traditional East Coast flavor; this recipe, however, gives them a Middle Eastern spin!!! They are moist and flavorful alone, but add the...
This recipe is fantastic with warm crusty Italian bread, or any other bread for that matter! Use extra virgin olive oil and really good aged balsamic vinegar....
What begins as a cheese omelet soon transforms into spicy appetizer squares. Simple to make and simply delicious. Cut the baked mixture into little square...
What begins as a cheese omelet soon transforms into spicy appetizer squares. Simple to make and simply delicious. Cut the baked mixture into little square...
A zippy new take on the traditional meatball dish, the real secret in the flavor is the combination of the cumin, dill, and pepperjack cheese, which leaves...
Crab cakes are a traditional East Coast flavor; this recipe, however, gives them a Middle Eastern spin!!! They are moist and flavorful alone, but add the...
Crab cakes are a traditional East Coast flavor; this recipe, however, gives them a Middle Eastern spin!!! They are moist and flavorful alone, but add the...
This is an easy dish for ball games or to take to parties. I like to make sure additional sauce covers the shrimp when served. Serve with blue cheese or...
This is a recipe that I made up for a bunch of hungry guys that where watching football one afternoon with my husband. They loved them so much that they...
My mom lives in a small town in western New York, called Clifton Springs. Whenever I go home to visit, I usually indulge in some Buffalo chicken wings...
If you like bacon, shrimp, and like things spicy (in this case fresh jalapenos), this is for you. It's great as an appetizer or a heavy hors d'oeuvre....
Sweet with heat! YUM! The smoky heat of the chipotle powder mixed with the sweetness of the maple syrup makes you keep coming back for more! Makes a great...
Sweet with heat! YUM! The smoky heat of the chipotle powder mixed with the sweetness of the maple syrup makes you keep coming back for more! Makes a great...
Sweet and spicy strips of pheasant. A great way to use pheasant or even duck and great on chicken too. My kids request this recipe for their birthday dinners!...
The secret to creating great fried chicken at home is par-boiling the meat before frying. Believe it or not, this actually produces a incredibly crunchy...
If you like bacon, shrimp, and like things spicy (in this case fresh jalapenos), this is for you. It's great as an appetizer or a heavy hors d'oeuvre....
Sweet and spicy strips of pheasant. A great way to use pheasant or even duck and great on chicken too. My kids request this recipe for their birthday dinners!...
A twist on the Mexican original. This dish freezes well to be thawed and baked later! Serve over Spanish rice with tortillas and salsa on the side, if...
A twist on the Mexican original. This dish freezes well to be thawed and baked later! Serve over Spanish rice with tortillas and salsa on the side, if...
A twist on the Mexican original. This dish freezes well to be thawed and baked later! Serve over Spanish rice with tortillas and salsa on the side, if...
A homemade lower fat dip accompanies these Buffalo-braised chicken strips. Delicious and less unhealthy Buffalo chicken strips than served in many restaurants....
This is a great little appetizer to get your guests started before your meal. Depending on how many guests you're having, you might want to double the...
A twist on the Mexican original. This dish freezes well to be thawed and baked later! Serve over Spanish rice with tortillas and salsa on the side, if...
A real chicken nugget, at least in the fast food context, is not just a small solid piece of chicken. It's more of a deep-fried, mostly-chicken sausage...
Where I'm from, they're just called 'Wings.' I've made this recipe for as long as I can remember - hopping from my hometown of Buffalo, NY, to Raleigh,...
This is a traditional hot pepper dip/spread from Aleppo, Syria. It is quite popular in eastern Mediterranean dishes, especially Turkey. This is very traditional...
This is a traditional hot pepper dip/spread from Aleppo, Syria. It is quite popular in eastern Mediterranean dishes, especially Turkey. This is very traditional...