Poach quince in rosé with a dash of cocktail bitters and a few warm spices, then assemble into a tart with almond paste using an upside-down, Tatin-style...
Spiced rum is a sweetened version of the popular spirit flavored with such spices as vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. This sauce would also be sublime served...
Cocoa brownies have the softest center and chewiest candylike top "crust" of all because all of the fat in the recipe (except for a small amount of cocoa...
This recipe will amaze the zucchini-averse and anyone who thinks they've had zukes every which way. Crosshatching and salting the zucchini for 10 minutes...
A quick buzz in the blender and this creamy, fruity dessert is practically done. Just add juicy summer blueberries and a sprinkling of lime zest and you've...
This deep-dish crumb-topped pie combines several winter fruits and confirms that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The pears become soft,...
An easy Roasted Beet Salad recipe. The delicate beet greens; which are an excellent source of potassium, folic acid, and magnesium - make this dish even...
This savory pie calls for roasting tomatoes to concentrate their flavor, then layering them with two kinds of cheese atop a garlic-butter crust for a result...
Cat head (or cathead) biscuits are a Southern staple whose name refers to their large size (about as big as a cat's head). The dough for this hand-rolled...
The brown sugar in the ingredients list below is there to mellow the acidity of the tomatoes, not to make this a sweet dish. Use a sturdy bakery loaf of...