This southwest chicken chili is a one pot masterpiece full of flavor. Shredded chicken, roasted poblano and charred corn, pinto and black beans all in...
Slow Cooker Taco Chili is easy, soul warming and delicious. Ground beef cooks with onion, garlic and taco seasoning before going in the slow cooker with...
Have leftover smoked pulled pork? Turn it into this incredible delicious Smoky Pulled Pork Chili! Leftover smoked pulled pork, pinto and kidney beans and...
With its velvety broth and deep flavor, old-fashioned chicken noodle soup is an ideal pressure-cooker candidate since the pressure cooker can extract flavor...
In this from-scratch White Bean and Ham Soup, great northern beans are soaked overnight and then cooked with herbs, onions and a leftover ham bone in broth...
This Creamy Cauliflower Potato Soup is simple, healthy and delicious! Potato soup made lighter by pureeing roasting cauliflower and stirring it into a...
Cozy up this St. Patrick's Day with a bowl of hearty Irish Stout Beef Stew. Made with browned cubed beef roast, beer, onions and root vegetables! Even...
Southwest Three Bean Chicken Chili is healthy, light and satisfying! Lean ground chicken is cooked with onions, garlic, three beans, fire-roasted tomatoes...
Split pea soup is quite possibly one of the easiest soups to make. You basically throw everything into a pot and cook it for about an hour. A hearty, soul-warming...